Xenvid ~vs~ Socialiath

The question is...

...will you support XF's unofficial competitor, inhibit XF's unofficial competitor, or instead simply wallow in ignorance?

I would support the competitor, as healthy competition in a market forces all players the produce to their highest ability, keeps prices "competitive", innovate, and share the innovations after they are tested.

Am I the first reply in this thread that is on topic?
The competitor as proposed isn’t really a competitor. It’s a “we don’t like where things are going but we have no idea what to do about it except copy something that isn’t actually a competitor, oh and if you have any better ideas we’d love to know”.

There’s no product, there’s no plan, there’s no competitor waiting in the wings.
backing up homer simpson GIF
I think my reply was on-topic. But the OP seems to have disappeared.. ?

I didn't see it til you pointed it out!

On top of this, they've figured out how to light up your brain like you're on heroin just by receiving a little (y) from people you know, people you don't know, and people you wish you knew.

So, did it work? 😲

So what about Reddit? It's literally the biggest/best message board in existence. But why (it is pretty ugly..)?

It's filled with people I want to correct. It lights a fire under my bottom. But recently I've been getting the feeling they started joining the evilness of selling my data to advertisers, so I've been driven away.

There's an emphasis on micro comments, being able to insert your opinion anywhere you want. Whereas on XF the conversation is generally a single chain, and if you're not there in the moment you're discouraged from breaking the chain and leaving your opinion on a past subject.
I didn't see it til you pointed it out!

So, did it work? 😲

It's filled with people I want to correct. It lights a fire under my bottom. But recently I've been getting the feeling they started joining the evilness of selling my data to advertisers, so I've been driven away.

There's an emphasis on micro comments, being able to insert your opinion anywhere you want. Whereas on XF the conversation is generally a single chain, and if you're not there in the moment you're discouraged from breaking the chain and leaving your opinion on a past subject.
Technically you could build the same thing with Xenforo utilizing Ozzmodz post comments
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