Xenvid ~vs~ Socialiath

episode 2 bless my circuits GIF by Star Wars
I, personally, am unsure if any others have yet looked into creating a complimentary Xenforo messenger app.
We weren't able to find anything during our initial investigations several months ago to suggest this concept had ever been considered at all, so we decided it may be worth exploring.

The existing mass social media messenger apps are, in our opinions, generally mediocre garbage fires, and simply unworthy of Xenforo, therefore we've again stepped outside of the comfortable little communal boxes and have since developed a number of entirely new messenger app concepts.
I'm told it was best to design these as completely independent systems from the start and potential integration would be the next step once we've finalized a viable & fully functional candidate.

Currently it is almost 4 months since beginning the initial trials with one of the messenger concepts. So basically it's undergoing live testing as an independent messenger platform. Although admittedly it is a little rough around the edges, frankly it is still proving surprisingly capable overall.

As a basic description, it essentially functions more or less similarly as would generally be expected of typical messengers, but with the addition of various new features/functions and also includes several basic features/functions most familiar to legacy fora too, such as reactions, per-post quote &/or reply optionality and such. And is also fully capable of handling multimedia too, eg: images, video, audio, etc...

An aspect I'm sure will be hilariously popular amongst administrators who prioritize hoarding content above all else, is the fact we've designed these messenger concepts such to preemptively empower user's personal privacy protections via retricting retention of content to 28 days only, after which content is automatically wiped completely.

I'm hoping during the coming 5-6 months or so that we'd have squared things up sufficiently with at least one of these messenger concepts in order to showcase here for all Xenforo Community members to see and of course test out for themselves if they like.

Please note that I am not a software developer and am merely describing a few things I think may be interesting for others as I understand these things from my subjective non-software developer-point of view. So, I do not know and cannot provide technical specifics. However I may consider possibly sharing a few visual examples perhaps, if, requisite constructive conditions arise here.

So, yeah, I'm curious whether anyone else may have considered/or already has/or perhaps currently is developing a complimentary Xenforo messenger type thing or something similar?

*I am not interested in, nor asking for opinions on the loosely described messenger concepts that my guys/gals are developing. I am simple sharing food for thought.
It took me a little time to find this thread because your profile is private, but thankfully it's trending.

I will admit, that was too much to read in one post. But I do think I have the gist.

So first you're asking for people to give ideas for the social media app to rule them all so you can make it and destroy the social media monster, by becoming a social media monster yourself. It feels like a great B rated monster flick.

Second, you mention how messaging apps are the only thing that matter and you're wondering how you can build this into XF so you can make a competing forum app/script that does all the same things and more, but also better.

Am I on the right track?

In that case, here are my thoughts in as blunt a manner as I can muster because this single post is already too long..

Big social is evil because it's driven by advertising profits, in which case they collect all of your personal information so they can serve you ads with which to ruin your life for the sake of "convenience". On top of this, they've figured out how to light up your brain like you're on heroin just by receiving a little (y) from people you know, people you don't know, and people you wish you knew. They also have instant messaging, I guess.

So what does Facebook have that XF doesn't?

There's only 1 Facebook. If you include all the big socials, it's still only like 10 apps total. There are millions (I'm guesstimating) of message boards. Think of all the XF boards as Facebook groups, and then it will start to show you a bigger picture.

So what about Reddit? It's literally the biggest/best message board in existence. But why (it is pretty ugly..)? Because all of the topics are in one place, on Reddit. There's only 1 Reddit. That's your "XF killer".

And yet, people still tend to have Discord channels for their Reddit subsections..
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