[WMTech] Double Post Merge

[WMTech] Double Post Merge 1.3.1

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Hello ,
About the double post thread bump limit, this thread bump setting doesn't apply to the new posts page if I am correct. Is there a way to prevent the thread to be listed as a new message posted thread in case of a merged message.
The scenario in my forum is like this; In the resources sections, the sellers flood their resource pages in order to be listed higher in the new posts page. I want to limit this with a time setting.
I set the double post bump time limit to 6 hours but their threads still keeps getting listed in the new posts page even though their messages are merged and the bump limit time is set to 6 hours.
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If 2 posts are merged the combined post has the date of the last (new) post (and the date of the old post will be stated in the divider). Therefore the merged post will appear in the "New Posts" area.

We already have plans to use the "last edited" feature for merged posts in future versions. The date of the merged post will stay as the one from the first post and the merged (new) posts date will be stored as the "last edited" date. We feel this as a more natural way to handle merged posts. And it will also solve your "bump" problem.

There is no date however when this changed feature will be released.
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Hi, i have the problem that the posts all time get merged: (merge time is 5 minutes)
Postet: Yesterday 19:46 Uhr
Auch mit 259.1 wurde der Fehler noch nicht behoben.
Server ist zur zeit Offline.
--- Merge yesterday at 20:45 ---
Also wir haben einen weg gefunden damit man wieder Spielen kann, nur kann man jetzt gerade alles erlernen, das heißt wer verbotene Items(z.B. Fabricated Weapons, Turrets) nutzt wird des Servers verwiesen.
Bei den ARK Strukturen sind nur die S+ Bauteile zu benutzen, wer andere Bauteile benutzt muss damit rechnen das diese verschwinden und auch nicht ersetzt werden.
--- Merge yesterday at 21:44 ---
Ich habe mal die Automatischen Updates abgeschaltet und werde sie Morgen ab c.a. 7 Uhr wieder aktivieren.
--- Merge 5 minutes ago ---
Hallo zusammen,

also der Server sollte jetzt wieder, für Ark, normalen Level laufen, die Engramme funktionieren wieder so wie sie sollen.
The wording of this is confusing, at least to me:

Timed = Time in minutes within which the thread author is exempt from the double post merge when they submit the second post of the thread. Thereafter, post will be merged.

I think this setting does exactly the opposite of what the explanation says it does. Am I correct?

Shouldn't it be this:

Time in minutes within which a post author's posts within a single thread will be merged.
I think this setting does exactly the opposite of what the explanation says it does. Am I correct?

You may be right. Could be a leftover from a previous version. We changed the permissions some versions ago to make it possible to assign admin users shorter merge periods compared to regular users.

Hopefully XF2 gives us better options regarding permissions.

This phrase is marked to be inspected/corrected with the next version. Thank you!
This might be broken with 1.5.15. At least it does not work for me anymore.

It was last tested sucessfully on 1.5.14. We see no changes that could be a problem for it in 1.5.15, so it should work. We will however be testing it very soon with 1.5.15 and correct any problems, if we find anything.

Are there any error messages? I suggest you to open a support ticket at our site https://wmtech.net/ and request for help. Most likely you have a permission or other problem at your site.
So, I've updated our test board and tested it with XenForo 1.5.15a and can report it as fully functionally with that version.

So, again, please open a support ticket at our site https://wmtech.net/ to get help with your installation.
It started working again... Interesting really. Anyway, XF 2.0 is on the road, I'm not going to spend more time on 1.5.x anymore...
I really don't understand the settings I think.
If I set the 2 permissions to 1440, does this mean posts will be merged if posted within 24 hours and the thread also won't be bumped if within 24 hours?

Edit: found the manual
I really don't understand the settings I think.
If I set the 2 permissions to 1440, does this mean posts will be merged if posted within 24 hours and the thread also won't be bumped if within 24 hours?

It is indeed not as easy as we would like to manage the permissions because negative numbers are not allowed by XenForo and the common need here that lower numbers (admins. moderators) trump greater numbers (regular users) is not possible out of the box.

We have written an article to explain the settings:
What about threads where the OP has to make multiple, very long posts?

Its actually good to have these long posts split up for readability and also when merged they will often break the maximum attachments rules. How is this handled?
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