[WMTech] Double Post Merge

[WMTech] Double Post Merge 1.3.1

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I don't understand why it's really that big of a deal to most people.

But just a point @wmtech you can always require license validation instead. That would do exactly the same thing and maybe people wouldn't see that as so "intrusive"
wmtech updated [WMTech] Double Post Merge with a new update entry:

v1.3.1: XenForo 1.5 Compatibility, New Features & Code Optimizations

> Version 1.3.1 <

XenForo 1.5 Compatibility, New Features & Code Optimizations

This upgrade is recommended for all customers.


NEW: Switch to enable/disable the DoublePost divider tag

NEW: Removed compatibility with XenForo 1.1 versions

NEW: Compatible wih XenForo versions 1.2.x, 1.3.x, 1.4.x and 1.5.x

NEW: Auto-Hide DoublePost divider BbCode after add-on has been uninstalled

NEW: Changed default...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Something's wrong on my forum.
No messages are merged anymore. User/group permission is set correctly, I think so.
Something's wrong on my forum.
No messages are merged anymore. User/group permission is set correctly, I think so.

Please use "Check Permissions" to check if the permissions of that user have been inherited correctly over all user groups. You should also check if your "Registered" user group (the base group of all XenForo users ) does not have a "Unlimited" setting, because that would override all other settings and never merge anything.

In case you need additional support, I recommend to open a thread in the support forum at our site, as this is the fastest way to get help.
Problem solved, at least this is what I hope.

My case is a little bit complicated. I had to reinstall xf, and reimport the old contents, database, etc.
After the import, the resource settings (being already in the database) somehow messed up the permissions. I've reinstalled the resource and everything came back to normal.
I've probably got a bug: when a double post is merged, the original date is changed to the new one, instead of saying "Modified <time> ago".
I've probably got a bug: when a double post is merged, the original date is changed to the new one, instead of saying "Modified <time> ago".

This is default behavior. The time of the first post can be seen in the divider, IF you use a divider and have it set up to show the date (the default divider shows the date, but can be customized)
This is default behavior. The time of the first post can be seen in the divider, IF you use a divider and have it set up to show the date (the default divider shows the date, but can be customized)
There is a problem:
  • User A posts something
  • User B replies, but his message is removed
  • User A posts something again, the post is merged with the first one, because B's message is removed
  • The removed message of B now appears before A's message, because the date has been changed
  • B is shown as OP, since it's the first post in chronological order
This is how I discovered the incorrect behaviour. However, if you make it so that the post is not merged, users will be confused and it will look like a bug to them. The easy fix would be not to change the original date, and show instead "Modified <time> ago".
The easy fix would be not to change the original date, and show instead "Modified <time> ago".

This is a good idea and I'll forward it to the developers.

However, your situation is rare. The first post of a thread being deleted and later restored is not a very frequent action.
@wmtech got a question for you about this - if someone makes a duplicate post because of connection issues, how will the end result look? For example, if I post:

I heart WMTech

and then it doesn't go through immediately, so they hit reply again, and it ends up posting twice. When this addon kicks in and "merges the posts", does it show:

I heart WMTech
I heart WMTech

or does it just show one line?
@wmtech got a question for you about this - if someone makes a duplicate post because of connection issues, how will the end result look? For example, if I post:

I heart WMTech

and then it doesn't go through immediately, so they hit reply again, and it ends up posting twice. When this addon kicks in and "merges the posts", does it show:

I heart WMTech
I heart WMTech

or does it just show one line?

It will merge 2 consecutive posts, no matter what content they have. So the later will happen.

If you want to prevent double posts (with the same content) you have to additionally install the "sonnb - Prevent double post" add-on. We use both of them together with great success.
Can this addon be active on just 1 node of a forum as opposed to globally?

You can setup the permissions for each user group differently at each node. Giving the global permissions to not merge and give the permissions to merge to just one node is possible.

So the answer is "yes", this can be done.
As it currently works, it seems it's impossible to apply the double post merge to an individual user since the permission used is a range rather than a simple Not Set (No) / Yes / Never - the settings of the Registered group override any more restrictive user permissions you try to set on an individual. Could this be remedied?
I don't think so @The Sandman, it actually works a lot better now than it originally did.

If you set the double-pst-merge field to zero, it always merges. So if you have a particular user that you always want to have their post merged no matter what and when, then you would set up a user group with only that setting and put them it in. Similar to a "naughty" group with a "never" setting
I don't think so @The Sandman, it actually works a lot better now than it originally did.

If you set the double-post-merge field to zero, it always merges. So if you have a particular user that you always want to have their post merged no matter what and when, then you would set up a user group with only that setting and put them it in. Similar to a "naughty" group with a "never" setting
Yes, I understand that you could remove a member from the Registered group and assign them to a "Limited" group as their primary group. But I want to keep all members in the Registered group as their primary and make use of secondary group permissions and/or user permissions to add or remove permissions.
Oh I get what you are saying now. The number would have to be lower for the "Limited" group and hence the "Registered" group would take priority. So in that respect it works the opposite way than what it originally did (which needed the workarounds)

I can't really see a way to have it both ways, unless you add a permission set that control whether or not the number-value system is "active" for a user group. Kind of like a switch, if you set the "active" permission to "Yes" (or if inherited) then the addon would look at the value to determine if it would merge or bump the posts. If it was set to "Never" or was not inherited, then it would automatically default to merging/not bumping the post.

Is that what you are getting at? If so, I like that idea...don't know if it would work though (meaning, is it even possible to make permissions work in that manner). That would be a pretty decent improvement.

The workaround that I see would be to have everyone in the registered group and set that to zero. Then, you have a "verified" group with the numerical setting of your current Registered group. In essence, you would kind of have a reverse-naughty group. Meaning, everyone goes into the Registered and Verified group, and then if someone is naughty and you have a Limited group, you would also remove them from the Verified group.

Registered + Verified = good
Registered - Verified + Limited = naughty

Does that make sense?
As it currently works, it seems it's impossible to apply the double post merge to an individual user since the permission used is a range rather than a simple Not Set (No) / Yes / Never - the settings of the Registered group override any more restrictive user permissions you try to set on an individual. Could this be remedied?

As XenForo permissions work, the higher number trumps the lower number. Usually admins want the primary group ("registered") to merge earlier compared to secondary groups (like admins or premium users). If you want to always merge, set the permissions to "0" and if you want to never merge, set them to "unlimited".

You cannot set a user to always merge, if he is in a user group that has anything other than "0" set up. A switch would not help, because most certainly you will have this user also in a group where this switch has been set to "on".

For such add-ons the XenForo permission system unfortunately is too limited. But we are always trying to figure out a way to meet almost all requirements. The change to the new permission system some time back was a result of this. It's better than before, but still not perfect.
I think a switch-setting would work. You could make another permission set that overrides the numerical permission set.

For instance:

Registered group: set to 1400 (so posts are merged at less than 100 minutes apart): "naughty" permission (switch) set to "no/not set"
Verified group: set to 1470 (posts merged < 30 minutes apart): "naughty" permission (switch) set to "no/not set"
Admin group: set to 1455 (posts merged < 5 minutes apart): "naughty" permission (switch) set to "no/not set"

Naughty group: "naughty" permission (switch) set to "yes"; numerical setting irrelevant; all other inherited numerical settings are overridden and posts are automatically merged.

So it sort of works in a reverse manner, just like the numerical settings work. If you have the permission set, your posts are automatically merged.

It's similarly confusing, same as the permission related to "following moderation rules" issue, but it would work, if you understand how to implement it.
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