s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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Just wanted to ping you if you can check if Add a title to the click-to-load placeholders where available option is working on 2.3. Thanks!

Update: Based on logs, it definitely has been working on 2.3 betas. So, I am guessing it is just a temporary glitch from YouTube's end which does happen regularly.
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The logic for fetching those titles is a bit fuzzy. If there are already 2 pending fetches, it won't try to add more, and even if there are no pending fetches it won't execute more than 1 for the current page. That's why even on an empty forum with no users, some titles may be missing, even if temporarily. I gave it very conservative values because fetching a video's title synchronously while the page is being generated can delay it by a lot more than you save using a lightweight placeholder.
yeah i remember how you implemented it. the thing is that the entirety of the xf_oembed table has null in the title column. it's likely youtube is restricting my ip or something because it definitely was fetching titles properly on beta builds of 2.3. have disabled this feature right now and would try again after a few days. thanks!
XenForo adds a NULL entry when it attempts (or schedules? can't remember) a new oEmbed fetch. If the cron thing that updates oEmbeds runs a bit behind, it's possible that you'll find some of those. I think they remain null when XenForo gives up after a number of failed attempts. That could somewhat explain those entries, although I'm kinda guessing here. 😅
We're running Xenforo 2.0 and won't be able to upgrade for another year (nobody available to do the work).

I temporarily disabled s9e to see if X.com would start working.
When I went to re-enable s9e, it's giving me an error saying that it requires PHP 7.4.
I am not trying to upgrade. I'm just trying to turn it back on. It was working fine when I clicked the disable button as a test.
Any suggestions?

Nevermind, I downgraded from 2.8.3 to 2.7.18 and was able to enable again.
just wanted to post this as a fyi. the dark mode for embeds like twitter does not seem to work on firefox at my end on dark theme on 2.3. no one has complained so far though. i guess the user base on firefox is just negligible or maybe it's just broken at my end. thanks!
the dark variant on 2.3! default xenforo theme. the update you shipped few days ago. it works fine on chrome. but was using firefox today for something and noticed twitter embeds were white. example post

also just noticed that this might be happening in chrome as well if system option is selected. which explains why it was white on firefox. i was using a test account and theme was likely set at system.
Oh, right. If you're on the system setting, the theme is set/switched in JavaScript so it's impossible to know in PHP whether it's going to end up light or dark at the time the embed's HTML is generated. I will consider adding some form of detection for the more dynamic embeds such as Twitter's. It will be limited to 2.3 (since it relies on the style variation being set to system) and it won't work for static stuff like Spotify.
Hi. There's a problem. Nobody knows how to solve the problem of processing video from VK Video? It used to process URLs from VK Videos, but now it doesn't.

I just figured out how to manually output the video correctly, I'm showing you an example:
There are videos, for example: https://vk.com/video-131607049_456240812
There is an option to export it by code:
<iframe src="https://vk.com/video_ext.php?oid=-131607049&id=456240812&hd=2" width="853" height="480" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media; fullscreen; picture-in-picture;" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
None of the options will output the player to XF. To solve this, we take
Where **** should be substituted as follows, as in the example below:
There's no support here on the forum, so I'll show a screenshot from mine.

Any idea?:unsure:

XF: 2.2.12
PHP: 8.0.30
s9e/MediaSites: 2.15.6
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That'll be fixed in the next update. VK does a thing where it checks whether it's a browser accessing the page, so the add-on has to pretend to be a browser in order to retrieve some of the IDs. They also check whether it's a recent browser, so the add-on needs to be updated whenever VK update their requirements. Currently the add-on pretends to be Firefox 62 ESR, next update it will probably pretend to be Chrome 124 and from what I can tell that should fix it.

In the meantime, you can either craft the BBCode manually as you described, or post the full URL of the video which can be found in the page's source, and possibly in the "Share" menu which I can't access because I don't have a VK account. In this case, this:
@JoelR Go to your admin panel, on the front page it will give you the exact PHP version in Server environment report. There's a good chance it's not running the version you think it is.
Is it possible to embed / render a markdown file (.md) ?

Markdown (GitHub flavored):
(1) elbows out away from you (in your ready position) helps you keep your swing small.
 ![[Pasted image 20240522110040.png]]

split step when BE in the AIR when your opponent hits ball.

(2) Keep your hand down (not keep the racquet head up).
![[Pasted image 20240522110058.png]]
- keep your hand below conact.
(3) Put the racquet where the ball is going to arrive.
 ![[Pasted image 20240522110109.png]]
(4) Finish your volley where your strings want the ball to go. - you keep your strings facign the target as much as possible.

have a tube on your wrists.  tube points to target
![[Pasted image 20240522110128.png]]

im guessing not ...
in this case the attachments are in a folder called \attachments\

would it be different for the same data that is converted to .html ?

is there an easy way to go from .md to:
inside the first post ?
"before" the first post ?
The add-on only handles third-party embeds, not attachments, as you pointed out. If you create a Gist in GitHub I think you'd be able to embed it, but if that's a feature you really need to rely on, I'd recommend looking for a more permanent solution based on attachments.
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