"Google May 2020 Core Update" affecting your xF Forum?

yeah, google is evil, Napoleon already informed us. )
I wouldn't use those words.
The fact that something is going very "funny" and obviously hits some users cannot be denied.
Tonight something has changed again in the criteria in Pagespeed that was not there before is also factual. ;)
Things change with Google pretty much every day.

Sometimes it's just little tweaks. Sometimes it's a bigger change and people call that an algorithm change.

With Google's Pagespeed tests, they first added Lighthouse and then more "real world user experience" data.

It seems to me their test is getting less accurate with the recent changes. Then again they are still tweaking that test too.
Todo10 said that lazy load is enabled for WP via the Litespeed plugin.
that was just one time, pagespeed popped me a suggestion to install lazy load for wp. in that 10mnts without rocketloader. probably Todo10 also turned other thing off to check them out. Including LSCache plugin.

edited to add. I would suggest to turn off all ads on wp pages to check the score. with LS plugin it have to be in green, somewhere in 95+ area.
I feel that not adds only slows down your wp pages.
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I wouldn't use those words.
The fact that something is going very "funny" and obviously hits some users cannot be denied.
Tonight something has changed again in the criteria in Pagespeed that was not there before is also factual. ;)
yes, I agree, Pagespeed sucks, because it fails to recognize, how good are your pages that load 30 (!!!) seconds.


Switch back to original xF style, get rid of autoads, place 3 ads (after first, middle, and last post), and you will find out that PSInsights is not as dumb as you'd like to believe.
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@askandy that's funny as hell ) at night I turned off AdsManager2, as I actually barely use it (just for ads under categories on a homepage. and they don't perform well). Today I see in error logs:
  • ErrorException: Template error: Function sam_counter is unknown
  • src/XF/Template/Templater.php:914
Well, hello Sam! )))
So your sam_lazy is coming from AdsManager.
I guess I figured out the mystery of your largest containtful paint.


The picture loads in 0.15sec, but because Initiator is not a html page, as for other pictures, but jquery, it pops up only when jquery calms down. in 11.6sec. I guess that SV lazy loader does quite opposite to what it suppose to do. Try to turn off lazyloading for all ads just to test the difference.
Adsense ads are lazyloading by themself. I guess there is no good in wrapping them into another layer of lazyloading.
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yes, I agree, Pagespeed sucks, because it fails to recognize, how good are your pages that load 30 (!!!) seconds.
But it took you a long time to search ;)
If you analyze this you will see that the timings are solely due to Google. Incidentally, this is the original style of XF, only a few minor changes have been made in the Extra.less so that desktop and MobileStyle look the same everywhere.
As already said, the start page shows the timings without GoogleADs. Due to its own inability to provide ads quickly, Google cannot downgrade pages. Since these are also AutoAds, I did not even have to influence what is shown when and how much.
You can turn it around as you like. Google turns off and becomes megalomaniac ...

Same Site without Google...
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You'll get more realistic results with these:

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I guess I figured out the mystery of your largest containtful paint.
What page are you testing?

We serve direct ads through the AdRotate plugin on WordPress (anything that is not the forum)
We serve direct ads through the Sirupou addon on Xenforo (anything /forum/)
You'll get more realistic results with these:

I use GTMetrix and have good results there. I also use ssllabs for other purposes, which is also important.

What I am dealing with in this topic is something else.
Google rates pages according to the speed results of Pagespeed.
In doing so, it includes its own very slow ads, which slow down the pages considerably and then makes the pages responsible for these delays. It is completely beyond any seriousness, it is megalomania. ;)

So good results in GTMetrix bring us absolut nothing because Goggle does not use this for the rating our page.
What page are you testing?

We serve direct ads through the AdRotate plugin on WordPress (anything that is not the forum)
We serve direct ads through the Sirupou addon on Xenforo (anything /forum/)
sorry that I put all info in one pile )
I'm testing https://askandyaboutclothes.com/forum/threads/what-are-you-wearing-today-2-0.238564/ (but I guess it will apply to all forum pages with sidebar). Pagespeed shows that top ad in a sidebar as Largest Contentful Paint element (https://www.askandyaboutclothes.com/wp-content/uploads/andys-favorite-brands-tie-300x250.jpg). It can't be largest as there are way larger full size attachments in posts. It's because of AdsManagers lazyload js. In AdsManager disable lazyloading just for this ad. And we will see if it will not be the largest cont paint any more.

Also it looks like they turned rocket loader back as you are back to 27 again.
actually it probably will not show us anything. what you really should do is turn of this add in AdsManager and create the same using xF adv. system. then there will be no questions.
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