s9e Media Sites

s9e Media Sites 2.16.0

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That couldn't be related to the add-on's update. There's been a small update to the host iframe that's used to display tweets, but it shouldn't be the cause either.

What happens when you try to read a tweet directly in the host iframe? https://s9e.github.io/iframe/2/twitter.min.html#1404835438557282308

What's your browser and do you have any extension installed? If so, disable them or try a new, clean profile and see if it helps.
That couldn't be related to the add-on's update. There's been a small update to the host iframe that's used to display tweets, but it shouldn't be the cause either.

What happens when you try to read a tweet directly in the host iframe? https://s9e.github.io/iframe/2/twitter.min.html#1404835438557282308

What's your browser and do you have any extension installed? If so, disable them or try a new, clean profile and see if it helps.

I think that was it - it was Opera and once I disabled an extension seems to have taken care of it. Thanks!
Hi @JoshyPHP ! I had to change servers, and it currently only has PHP 7.4. I noticed that last couple updates of your plugin require PHP 8. Is there a slightly older version I can get that will work? I'm hoping to upgrade later this month, but it's bugging me since it won't work right now. lol

this is the link to last 7.x version i believe.

this is the link to last 7.x version i believe.

Cool! One issue tho. I wasn't able to uninstall the old one since I tried to upgrade, and then couldn't do anything as it just kept saying PHP 8 was required. I deleted the files from addons, and uploaded the one you showed me. Now it says "Version mismatch", and also won't let me uninstall.

What can I do? I have no problem editing the DB directly, if that would fix it. Thanks!
I wouldn't know off the top of my head. I'd try uploading the files for whichever version XenForo expects in order to uninstall it properly. If that doesn't work, try asking in general support about uninstalling an add-on on an unsupported version of PHP.
Hi @JoshyPHP I've updated to the latest version and when embedding Facebook posts on the dark mode of my forum the text isn't visible.

Didn't this addon used to have a white background added in for FB embeds?

There's an option in the add-on's options that adds a white background. It's not on by default because it doesn't match Facebook's rounded corners.
Thinking about it, I'm going to force the white background in the host iframe on GitHub because I don't think Facebook is aware of that issue or will fix it in the foreseeable future.
JoshyPHP updated s9e Media Sites with a new update entry:

Performance and Quality of Life improvements to lazy loader. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube updated.

This release features a number of performance and quality of life improvements for the lazy loader. Keep reading if you're interested in the technical details. Also, Facebook, Twitter (now X), and YouTube have been updated with minor changes.

Perf: when browsing to a specific post (e.g. last post of a thread, or first unread post), browsers generally display the top of the page while it's loading, then once it has loaded enough assets (after a second or so), it scrolls down to the target. Recent versions of the lazy loader would ignore embeds at the top of the page until the browser scrolled to the target post, then it would load embeds normally. Starting with this version, the lazy loader will proactively look up what embeds are expected to appear after the browser scrolls to the correct post to load them up as soon as possible. This is expected to slightly shorten the time it takes to display the target post fully if that post contains an embed. If that embed is of dynamically-sized (e.g. a tweet or Facebook post) it may decrease the Content Layout Shift score as well.

Perf/QoL: when clicking on the attribution link of a quote, XenForo scrolls to that post. The lazy loader now proactively loads embeds in that post instead of waiting for the the scrolling to complete. In addition, even if the browser is scrolling up to that post, dynamically-sized embeds such as tweets will expand towards the bottom. Previously, they would expand towards the top, which is the desired behaviour when manually scrolling up but is an annoyance when automatically scrolling to a target.

QoL: after clicking the "back to top" icon, dynamically-sized embeds expand towards the bottom as in the aforementioned situation.

Read the rest of this update entry...
hehe. one quirky behavior after this update? or one of the previous updates i just noticed. tweet loads. source link is far below. after a second or two it scrolls up to the correct position. it's fun to watch. on refresh it appears just fine which i assume is due to local caching of the tweet size.
Yes, I had to add a delay when shrinking tweets because Twitter sent the wrong height before its own images were done loading and it would interfere with the cached size. So for example if a full tweet was supposed to be 800 px tall, it would start at 800 px because of the cached size, the Twitter would say it's actually 400 px and it would shrink, then the tweet's image loads and the tweet grows back to 800 px.

With that said, if the cached size is legitimately wrong, it should only happen once before the correct size is written to the cache. If you have a tweet that is reliably incorrectly sized, you can send it to me and I'll take a look at it. I may have been too generous with the default size for tweets and those that contain only a short text may be way oversized. I'll try to think of a better way to fix Twitter's behaviour.
nah it's completely fine to be honest. i just posted coz it appeared to be a new behavior. i assume it would be too much to save the embed size in database and use it at rendering time! god knows how long elon would even allow embeds to work on third party sites.
Actually it's useful because I had forgotten to check the latest embed dimensions with short tweets. The issue with missized embeds is not entirely specific to Twitter either; For example, some Mastodon instances suffer from a similar issue. In both case it's due to lazy loading their images. It causes the browser to declare the page to be completely loaded even though the images are not. So they send the current height of the tweet/toot, then the image loads and now they have to update it to the correct size.
Thanks @JoshyPHP for the continued work on this - I've just updated to the latest version and all the embedded media has been replaced by white space, or a logo (which can't be clicked) - example below


When I edit the post this is what I see:


Immediately after saving, it works ok:


Unfortunately when the thread is refreshed then it returns to the white space/logo


Grateful for any thoughts thanks?
I've just updated to the latest version and all the embedded media has been replaced by white space, or a logo (which can't be clicked) - example below

View attachment 293710

I can't imagine how that would happen. Based on the presence of the YouTube logo, I assume that you have the ClickToLoad option enabled. You can find it via the search box in the admin panel, or by scrolling down the add-on's options. I don't know why the rest is empty though. Toggling it could possibly help. Using the Rebuild action in the Add-ons list is an option too.

Do you have any other add-on related to YouTube or embeds in general? Is it specific to YouTube or any video site does the same?

If you can send me a link to a page that shows a (partially) blank embed, I'll take a look at it.
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