Email Subscription

Email Subscription 3.0

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A simple DB query:

 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM xf_email_subscription

Not sure if people who have unsubscribed are still listed in rows in that table, in which case you'll need to constrain it with a WHERE clause.

I upgraded from 1.8 to 2.0. I have several issues:

1. It is written in the upgrade information that only an email index shall be visible in phpmyadmin. This does not exist in my installation. See screenshot. Only User ID is written there:

So what do I do now?

2. Why the times for the cron jobs are always overwritten with every upgrade? Both with this daily digest but alos with the weekly digest. This is a waste of time to always fix this after ech upgrade!

3. Same for the translations.

4. In the cronjobs, the correct times of the server are not respected. If I choose i.e. 9am and save it, it shows in the cronjob overview 11 am. So if I want to run the cronjob alwas at 9am I actually have to choose 7am.

xenforo 1.47. UTC+1 time on the server. No other addon has this problem. Only weekly digest and daily digest.
I'm still running 1.8. Is this broken with the latest XF, which I'm also running. I ask because the instructions in 2.0 for backing up and restoring from myphp seem over my head, and I'm wondering if I can just keep the current version 1.8 installed.
Couple of questions regarding this:

Email Subscription v2.0 changes:

If upgrading from a previous version, please use phpMyAdmin to remove any Indexes other than the "email" index. The Indexes in table xf_email_subscription should look like this:

1. So are you saying that the user_id and username indexes should be deleted, leaving only the email index?

2. Should your instructions above be done before or after uploading and then installing the updated add-on?

Found a bug (I think).

If in settings "Basic Board Information", "Home Page Url" is blank (so the forum doesn't put up a home tab).... the emails will not have the board URL in the links. Instead they will show up as:

http://threads/thread-title.99999/ (sample, not a real link)

Other email notifications not part of this add-on work properly.
Quick follow for anyone watching. Andy has been trying to help me behind the scenes with this, and it appears there is not a bug in the addon. It worked perfectly on my other XF forum, with an identical setup except the domain name. And now it's working on the forum in test mode where I first had the problem.

It is likely something else going on, I am going to wait until tomorrow to see if it happens again, and if so I'll go through the server error logs. Sadly, I killed some of the error logs this morning, before I notices this issue so they aren't of much use to me today.

Anyway, in closing, Andy your support is superb, and I wanted to make sure I acknowledge this publicly.
Hi Andy,
Thanks for the nudge. Is it possible to do a version where it only makes a list of email subscribers, that I can use elsewhere to create newsletters?
Zip failed to install

The provided file was not a valid XML file. Please provide a valid XML file.

XF 1.3

or maybe it cant process zip files...

I guess I am just used to the plugin auto
install without unzipping anything using WP...
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Andy, shouldn't guests have to double opt-in for this to be legal? I believe double opt-in is a requirement, from memory, otherwise people can just fill in the email field for guests and subscribe anyone and everyone to site content... thus opening a site to a whole bunch of spam concerns.
Andy, shouldn't guests have to double opt-in for this to be legal? I believe double opt-in is a requirement, from memory, otherwise people can just fill in the email field for guests and subscribe anyone and everyone to site content... thus opening a site to a whole bunch of spam concerns.
Only if you're allowing guests to subscribe. If you're, rightly, concerned by that, then make sure this ACP option is off.
Only if you're allowing guests to subscribe.
Agreed... though it has a guest option, is really my point. If a guest option is available, which I believe is a great idea for this to help drive additional guest traffic to return and not forget about your site, then double opt-in would be ideal to comply IMO.
Andy, shouldn't guests have to double opt-in for this to be legal? I believe double opt-in is a requirement, from memory, otherwise people can just fill in the email field for guests and subscribe anyone and everyone to site content... thus opening a site to a whole bunch of spam concerns.

Its a good idea, but no legal requirement in most places. Opt-in is, but not double opt-in.
Opt-in is, but not double opt-in.
Nice, thanks. But how do you ensure opt-in is enforced if I go and start entering any email address into the field, without requiring a confirmation that I own that email address?

Basically, I could start entering mass email addresses, subscribing them, getting people in trouble with their hosts via spam complaints.

The only way you can do that is by a confirmation, yes?

Even an email to say that the email has been subscribed using that address, would not that be a minimum?
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