ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

No permission to download
In preparation for a new feature coming soon, we have made the following changes to software update times:

Business Licenses: 1 Year
Premium Licenses: 6 Months
Kick Starter Licenses: 6 Months

Business Licenses: Unlimited
Premium Licenses: 1 Year
Kick Starter Licenses: 1 Year

This change is effective immediately and is retroactive for anyone that had an active license.
In preparation for a new feature coming soon, we have made the following changes to software update times:

Business Licenses: 1 Year
Premium Licenses: 6 Months
Kick Starter Licenses: 6 Months

Business Licenses: Unlimited
Premium Licenses: 1 Year
Kick Starter Licenses: 1 Year

This change is effective immediately and is retroactive for anyone that had an active license.
Video chat/cams a possibility?
And what new features?
its a shame to see, but idk how long it takes to upgrade the software....coming up on 2 years now.....
support for 2000 platforms but not modern php and memcached guys came so close and built a nice script we really like, but it needs to be maintained....still hoping to see that happen.....
This software is still being actively maintained and we actually have a huge update coming in March with some big improvements to mobile.

However, we are going to end our resource here on XenForo. This is the 4th or 5th time it’s been deleted. We receive sporadic emails from XenForo and have for a long time so it’s just going to be deleted over and over again. Unfortunately, when deleted, we have to contact staff and I’m sure they’ll be sick of recovering it if they aren’t already.

You can contact us or purchase at

Thank you all for your support over the years and a big shoutout to @Martok for his help.

The ArrowChat Team
If you are using memcached with XenForo, here is the get_user_id() function instead of doing the cookie route:

    function get_user_id()
        global $db;
        $userid = NULL;
        $m = new Memcached();
        $m->addServer('', 11211);

        if (!empty($_COOKIE['xf_session']))
            $session = $m->get('xf_session_' . $_COOKIE['xf_session']);
            if (!empty($session))
                $data = unserialize($session[0]);
                $data = unserialize($data);
                $userid = $data['user_id'];
                if (!empty($userid))
                    $result = $db->execute("
                        SELECT is_banned, user_state
                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
                        WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $userid . "'
                    if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                        if ($row['is_banned'] == 1 OR $row['user_state'] == 'email_confirm' OR $row['user_state'] == 'moderated' OR $data['isIpBanned']['result'] == true)
                            $userid = NULL;

        return $userid;
If you are using memcached with XenForo, here is the get_user_id() function instead of doing the cookie route:

    function get_user_id()
        global $db;
        $userid = NULL;
        $m = new Memcached();
        $m->addServer('', 11211);

        if (!empty($_COOKIE['xf_session']))
            $session = $m->get('xf_session_' . $_COOKIE['xf_session']);
            if (!empty($session))
                $data = unserialize($session[0]);
                $data = unserialize($data);
                $userid = $data['user_id'];
                if (!empty($userid))
                    $result = $db->execute("
                        SELECT is_banned, user_state
                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
                        WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $userid . "'
                    if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                        if ($row['is_banned'] == 1 OR $row['user_state'] == 'email_confirm' OR $row['user_state'] == 'moderated' OR $data['isIpBanned']['result'] == true)
                            $userid = NULL;

        return $userid;
thanks, it need past to /arrowchat/includes/integration.php

    || #################################################################### ||
    || #                             ArrowChat                            # ||
    || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
    || #    Copyright ©2010-2012 ArrowSuites LLC. All Rights Reserved.    # ||
    || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
    || # ---------------- ARROWCHAT IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
    || # |   # ||
    || #################################################################### ||
     * This function returns the user ID of the logged in user on your site.  Technical support will not
     * help you with this for stand-alone installations.  You must purchase the professional installation
     * if you are having trouble.
     * Suggestion: Check out the other integration files in the functions/integrations directory for
     * many examples of how this can be done.  The easiest way is to get the user ID through a cookie.
     * @return the user ID of the logged in user or NULL if not logged in
    function get_user_id()
        global $db;
        $userid = NULL;
        $m = new Memcached();
        $m->addServer('', 11211);

        if (!empty($_COOKIE['xf_session']))
            $session = $m->get('xf_session_' . $_COOKIE['xf_session']);
            if (!empty($session))
                $data = unserialize($session[0]);
                $data = unserialize($data);
                $userid = $data['user_id'];
                if (!empty($userid))
                    $result = $db->execute("
                        SELECT is_banned, user_state
                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
                        WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $userid . "'
                    if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                        if ($row['is_banned'] == 1 OR $row['user_state'] == 'email_confirm' OR $row['user_state'] == 'moderated' OR $data['isIpBanned']['result'] == true)
                            $userid = NULL;

        return $userid;

     * This function returns the SQL statement for the buddylist of the user.  You should retrieve
     * all ONLINE friends that the user is friends with.  Do not retrieve offline users.  You can use
     * global $online_timeout to get the online timeout.
     * ex: AND (arrowchat_status.session_time + 60 + " . $online_timeout . ") > " . time() . "
     * @param userid the user ID of the person receiving the buddylist
     * @param the time of the buddylist request
     * @return the SQL statement to retrieve the user's friend list
    function get_friend_list($userid, $time)
        global $db;
        global $online_timeout;
        $sql = ("
            SELECT DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, arrowchat_status.session_time lastactivity, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_AVATAR . " avatar, CONCAT(" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . ",'.'," . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . ") link, arrowchat_status.is_admin, arrowchat_status.status
            JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            LEFT JOIN arrowchat_status
                ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = arrowchat_status.userid
            WHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_FRIENDSTABLE . "." . DB_FRIENDSTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
                AND arrowchat_status.session_time > (" . time() . " - " . $online_timeout . " - 60)
        return $sql;

     * This function returns the SQL statement for all online users.  You should retrieve
     * all ONLINE users regardless of friend status.  Do not retrieve offline users.  You can use
     * global $online_timeout to get the online timeout.
     * ex: AND (arrowchat_status.session_time + 60 + " . $online_timeout . ") > " . time() . "
     * @param userid the user ID of the person receiving the buddylist
     * @param the time of the buddylist request
     * @return the SQL statement to retrieve all online users
    function get_online_list($userid, $time)
        global $db;
        global $online_timeout;
        $sql = ("
            SELECT DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, arrowchat_status.session_time lastactivity, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_AVATAR . " avatar, CONCAT(" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . ",'.'," . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . ") link, arrowchat_status.is_admin, arrowchat_status.status
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            JOIN arrowchat_status
                ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = arrowchat_status.userid 
            WHERE arrowchat_status.session_time > (" . time() . " - " . $online_timeout . " - 60)
                AND " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " != '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
        return $sql;

     * This function returns the SQL statement to get the user details of a specific user.  You should
     * get the user's ID, username, last activity time in unix, link to their profile, avatar, and status.
     * @param userid the user ID to get the details of
     * @return the SQL statement to retrieve the user's defaults
    function get_user_details($userid)
        global $db;
        $sql = ("
            SELECT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, arrowchat_status.session_time lastactivity,  CONCAT(" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . ",'.'," . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . ") link,  " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_AVATAR . " avatar, arrowchat_status.is_admin, arrowchat_status.status
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            LEFT JOIN arrowchat_status
                ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = arrowchat_status.userid
            WHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
        return $sql;

     * This function returns the profile link of the specified user ID.
     * @param userid the user ID to get the profile link of
     * @return the link of the user ID's profile
    function get_link($link, $user_id)
        global $base_url;
        return $base_url . '../index.php?members/' . $link;

     * This function returns the URL of the avatar of the specified user ID.
     * @param userid the user ID of the user
     * @param image if the image includes more than just a user ID, this param is passed
     * in from the avatar row in the buddylist and get user details functions.
     * @return the link of the user ID's avatar
    function get_avatar($image, $user_id)
        global $base_url;
        $group = floor($user_id / 1000);
        if (!empty($image))
            $md5 = md5(strtolower(trim($image)));
            return '' . $md5 . '?s=50';
        else if (is_file(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/data/avatars/s/' . $group . '/' . $user_id . '.jpg'))
            return $base_url . '../data/avatars/s/' . $group . '/' . $user_id . '.jpg';
            return $base_url . AC_FOLDER_ADMIN . "/images/img-no-avatar.png";
     * This function returns the group ID of the user into an array.
     * @param userid the user ID of the user
     * @return an array of groups the user is in or NULL if no groups
    function get_group_id($userid)
        global $db;
        $group_ids = array();
        $result = $db->execute("
            SELECT user_group_id, secondary_group_ids
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
        if ($result AND $db->count_select() > 0)
            if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                $group_ids[] = $row['user_group_id'];
                $tmp = explode(",", $row['secondary_group_ids']);
                foreach ($tmp as $val)
                    if (!empty($val))
                        $group_ids[] = $val;
            return $group_ids;
            return NULL;
     * This function returns an array of all the groups and their names so that
     * the ArrowChat admin panel can manage them.
     * @return nested arrays of the group IDs and names. The nested array must follow:
               array(group id, group name)
    function get_all_groups()
        global $db;
        $groups = array();
        $result = $db->execute("
            SELECT user_group_id, title
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_group
        if ($result AND $db->count_select() > 0)
            while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                $groups[] = array($row['user_group_id'], $row['title']);
            return $groups;
            return NULL;

     * This function returns the name of the logged in user.  You should not need to
     * change this function.
     * @param userid the user ID of the user
     * @return the name of the user
    function get_username($userid)
        global $db;
        global $language;
        global $show_full_username;
        $users_name = $language[83];

        $result = $db->execute("
            SELECT " . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " name
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'

        if ($result AND $db->count_select() > 0) 
            $row = $db->fetch_array($result);
            $users_name = $row['name'];

        $pieces = explode(" ", $users_name);
        if ($show_full_username == 1)
            return $users_name;
            return $pieces[0];

thanks, it need past to /arrowchat/includes/integration.php

    || #################################################################### ||
    || #                             ArrowChat                            # ||
    || # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # ||
    || #    Copyright ©2010-2012 ArrowSuites LLC. All Rights Reserved.    # ||
    || # This file may not be redistributed in whole or significant part. # ||
    || # ---------------- ARROWCHAT IS NOT FREE SOFTWARE ---------------- # ||
    || # |   # ||
    || #################################################################### ||
     * This function returns the user ID of the logged in user on your site.  Technical support will not
     * help you with this for stand-alone installations.  You must purchase the professional installation
     * if you are having trouble.
     * Suggestion: Check out the other integration files in the functions/integrations directory for
     * many examples of how this can be done.  The easiest way is to get the user ID through a cookie.
     * @return the user ID of the logged in user or NULL if not logged in
    function get_user_id()
        global $db;
        $userid = NULL;
        $m = new Memcached();
        $m->addServer('', 11211);

        if (!empty($_COOKIE['xf_session']))
            $session = $m->get('xf_session_' . $_COOKIE['xf_session']);
            if (!empty($session))
                $data = unserialize($session[0]);
                $data = unserialize($data);
                $userid = $data['user_id'];
                if (!empty($userid))
                    $result = $db->execute("
                        SELECT is_banned, user_state
                        FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
                        WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $userid . "'
                    if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                        if ($row['is_banned'] == 1 OR $row['user_state'] == 'email_confirm' OR $row['user_state'] == 'moderated' OR $data['isIpBanned']['result'] == true)
                            $userid = NULL;

        return $userid;

     * This function returns the SQL statement for the buddylist of the user.  You should retrieve
     * all ONLINE friends that the user is friends with.  Do not retrieve offline users.  You can use
     * global $online_timeout to get the online timeout.
     * ex: AND (arrowchat_status.session_time + 60 + " . $online_timeout . ") > " . time() . "
     * @param userid the user ID of the person receiving the buddylist
     * @param the time of the buddylist request
     * @return the SQL statement to retrieve the user's friend list
    function get_friend_list($userid, $time)
        global $db;
        global $online_timeout;
        $sql = ("
            SELECT DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, arrowchat_status.session_time lastactivity, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_AVATAR . " avatar, CONCAT(" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . ",'.'," . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . ") link, arrowchat_status.is_admin, arrowchat_status.status
            JOIN " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            LEFT JOIN arrowchat_status
                ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = arrowchat_status.userid
            WHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_FRIENDSTABLE . "." . DB_FRIENDSTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
                AND arrowchat_status.session_time > (" . time() . " - " . $online_timeout . " - 60)
        return $sql;

     * This function returns the SQL statement for all online users.  You should retrieve
     * all ONLINE users regardless of friend status.  Do not retrieve offline users.  You can use
     * global $online_timeout to get the online timeout.
     * ex: AND (arrowchat_status.session_time + 60 + " . $online_timeout . ") > " . time() . "
     * @param userid the user ID of the person receiving the buddylist
     * @param the time of the buddylist request
     * @return the SQL statement to retrieve all online users
    function get_online_list($userid, $time)
        global $db;
        global $online_timeout;
        $sql = ("
            SELECT DISTINCT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, arrowchat_status.session_time lastactivity, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_AVATAR . " avatar, CONCAT(" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . ",'.'," . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . ") link, arrowchat_status.is_admin, arrowchat_status.status
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            JOIN arrowchat_status
                ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = arrowchat_status.userid
            WHERE arrowchat_status.session_time > (" . time() . " - " . $online_timeout . " - 60)
                AND " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " != '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
        return $sql;

     * This function returns the SQL statement to get the user details of a specific user.  You should
     * get the user's ID, username, last activity time in unix, link to their profile, avatar, and status.
     * @param userid the user ID to get the details of
     * @return the SQL statement to retrieve the user's defaults
    function get_user_details($userid)
        global $db;
        $sql = ("
            SELECT " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " userid, " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " username, arrowchat_status.session_time lastactivity,  CONCAT(" . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . ",'.'," . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . ") link,  " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_AVATAR . " avatar, arrowchat_status.is_admin, arrowchat_status.status
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            LEFT JOIN arrowchat_status
                ON " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = arrowchat_status.userid
            WHERE " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "." . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
        return $sql;

     * This function returns the profile link of the specified user ID.
     * @param userid the user ID to get the profile link of
     * @return the link of the user ID's profile
    function get_link($link, $user_id)
        global $base_url;
        return $base_url . '../index.php?members/' . $link;

     * This function returns the URL of the avatar of the specified user ID.
     * @param userid the user ID of the user
     * @param image if the image includes more than just a user ID, this param is passed
     * in from the avatar row in the buddylist and get user details functions.
     * @return the link of the user ID's avatar
    function get_avatar($image, $user_id)
        global $base_url;
        $group = floor($user_id / 1000);
        if (!empty($image))
            $md5 = md5(strtolower(trim($image)));
            return '' . $md5 . '?s=50';
        else if (is_file(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) . '/data/avatars/s/' . $group . '/' . $user_id . '.jpg'))
            return $base_url . '../data/avatars/s/' . $group . '/' . $user_id . '.jpg';
            return $base_url . AC_FOLDER_ADMIN . "/images/img-no-avatar.png";
     * This function returns the group ID of the user into an array.
     * @param userid the user ID of the user
     * @return an array of groups the user is in or NULL if no groups
    function get_group_id($userid)
        global $db;
        $group_ids = array();
        $result = $db->execute("
            SELECT user_group_id, secondary_group_ids
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'
        if ($result AND $db->count_select() > 0)
            if ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                $group_ids[] = $row['user_group_id'];
                $tmp = explode(",", $row['secondary_group_ids']);
                foreach ($tmp as $val)
                    if (!empty($val))
                        $group_ids[] = $val;
            return $group_ids;
            return NULL;
     * This function returns an array of all the groups and their names so that
     * the ArrowChat admin panel can manage them.
     * @return nested arrays of the group IDs and names. The nested array must follow:
               array(group id, group name)
    function get_all_groups()
        global $db;
        $groups = array();
        $result = $db->execute("
            SELECT user_group_id, title
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "user_group
        if ($result AND $db->count_select() > 0)
            while ($row = $db->fetch_array($result))
                $groups[] = array($row['user_group_id'], $row['title']);
            return $groups;
            return NULL;

     * This function returns the name of the logged in user.  You should not need to
     * change this function.
     * @param userid the user ID of the user
     * @return the name of the user
    function get_username($userid)
        global $db;
        global $language;
        global $show_full_username;
        $users_name = $language[83];

        $result = $db->execute("
            SELECT " . DB_USERTABLE_NAME . " name
            FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . DB_USERTABLE . "
            WHERE " . DB_USERTABLE_USERID . " = '" . $db->escape_string($userid) . "'

        if ($result AND $db->count_select() > 0)
            $row = $db->fetch_array($result);
            $users_name = $row['name'];

        $pieces = explode(" ", $users_name);
        if ($show_full_username == 1)
            return $users_name;
            return $pieces[0];

Sorry for the slow response (we don't get email notifications). Yes, that is where the code should go.
ArrowSuites updated ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat with a new update entry:

Version 4.0 beta is now available!

It's our biggest update in two years with a focus on redesigning the front-end UI.

A Modern User Interface
  • Combining Features
    Rather than clutter up the user's screen with multiple tabs, we've combined chat rooms, notifications, and moderation into one tab.

  • Streamlined Chat Rooms
    The chat room windows now look like the user windows. This provides a more friendly user interface and allows for easy group chat integration in the future.

  • Chat Tabs...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I don't really understand why for video chat for mobile I need to use and pay per minute.
if works for desktop using internet datas, should do the same for mobile
I must be missing an option/setting. As a staff member, I can see all members online, and see them in chat. Regular members do not see anyone in Chat to engage, nor do they see the chat room I created. No users/groups are disallowed. This is with v4.0.2.
I must be missing an option/setting. As a staff member, I can see all members online, and see them in chat. Regular members do not see anyone in Chat to engage, nor do they see the chat room I created. No users/groups are disallowed. This is with v4.0.2.
This sounds like some admin setting you checked. I replied to your support ticket to try and figure it out.
My ArrowChat installation works fine on localhost Nginx server (laragon), but on live vps with Nginx chat icon not showing on xenforo front end. No error displayed anywhere, including logs. Any hint?
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