ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

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I'm sure end of day, its no big deal but when a plugin asks for all this, I'm closing out the tab. Still think it's a great product.

Actually, I think the other add-ons still get the database information.

Then it can read and write to create a table into the database.

The thing is that other add-ons don't ask and don't need you to enter.
This is correct. Technically, we don't need to ask either. When you upload the files, it's possible to read them from the XenForo config.

Any code that requires you to save information will almost always use a database. Without it, you'd be relying on sessions/cookies, which are not permanent. It's no different than XenForo asking for your database username/password when you installed it. I can understand your hesitation if you're new to the website world, but this is standard practice.

Also, I just want to add that we don't receive any information. All the files/information are hosted on your server and remain there.
Also, I just want to add that we don't receive any information. All the files/information are hosted on your server and remain there.

I can confirm that, looking at the code, it's not going anywhere but the app.

The calls that are obvious are to the user database itself. It needs to be able to see your users and their groups, since you can enable or disable based on group. It also needs to be able to see which users are following each other, since that's a possible configuration too. That is, one option is only to allow people who follow each other to chat. The most direct, high-performance solution is for the add-on to query the database itself.

Note too that this is specific to the user database only. Not the overall server itself, not your financial information, nothing like that. It also doesn't include login information for the server itself. (Ours requires 2FA anyway, so anybody on earth can have our server password and login, but they're not able to do anything without a pretty complicated, and frankly annoying, 2FA tango.)

So that part is all benign-looking, at least to me, but I have some troubleshooting left to do. I've got it installed and working-ish, but none of my online users are showing up as visible. I'll be sending through a support ticket for this....but the database access thing really does make a lot of sense to me...fwiw. :)

Edit: Ah, I just saw that I can't even ask a question about my installation until I pay $195 (the version with support for mobile devices, where we get half our traffic). I'll poke at it a little more tomorrow, and if I can't figure it out, I'll uninstall and try something else.

But I still don't think that the database access is a dealbreaker. No support with installation issues while I'm trying to decide if the $195 is a good investment? Maybe a dealbreaker.
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I can confirm that, looking at the code, it's not going anywhere but the app.

The calls that are obvious are to the user database itself. It needs to be able to see your users and their groups, since you can enable or disable based on group. It also needs to be able to see which users are following each other, since that's a possible configuration too. That is, one option is only to allow people who follow each other to chat. The most direct, high-performance solution is for the add-on to query the database itself.

Note too that this is specific to the user database only. Not the overall server itself, not your financial information, nothing like that. It also doesn't include login information for the server itself. (Ours requires 2FA anyway, so anybody on earth can have our server password and login, but they're not able to do anything without a pretty complicated, and frankly annoying, 2FA tango.)

So that part is all benign-looking, at least to me, but I have some troubleshooting left to do. I've got it installed and working-ish, but none of my online users are showing up as visible. I'll be sending through a support ticket for this....but the database access thing really does make a lot of sense to me...fwiw. :)

Edit: Ah, I just saw that I can't even ask a question about my installation until I pay $195 (the version with support for mobile devices, where we get half our traffic). I'll poke at it a little more tomorrow, and if I can't figure it out, I'll uninstall and try something else.

But I still don't think that the database access is a dealbreaker. No support with installation issues while I'm trying to decide if the $195 is a good investment? Maybe a dealbreaker.
Just open up a support ticket. We don't mind assisting with installation issues after you've tried things yourself.
Just open up a support ticket. We don't mind assisting with installation issues after you've tried things yourself.

Awesome! I'll do it! I want this to work SO MUCH!

Also, I don't know if you're Jason, but I had followed the directions at the ArrowChat site for free accounts to ask for help in the forum rather than open a support ticket, and just saw his/your note there to open up a ticket. :) Will do that! Thanks!
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We do have a holiday sale of 20% off licenses, upgrades, and installations going on right now, so take advantage and save some money if you are planning on purchasing soon. 🙂
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