ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat

ArrowChat - Facebook Style Chat v4.1.2

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I stopped getting emails for replies on this thread despite it being watched, so sorry for the late replies.

When the iPhone 5 is rotated in landscape, chat window jumps and you can no longer see the typing pane. You can't see what you're typing in when the iPhone is rotated in landscape.
I haven't experienced this, but we are finally getting a ton of tester phones with all different brands and OS in the office, so the mobile version reliability should improve from here on out.

I am interested in this however, I would like an evaluation version on my site to make sure its working. Would it be possible to give an evaluation version? I have purchased to many mods that are a waste of money.
I purchased this today, and got it all installed but am having two issues with it. (they could be related)

I currently have it set so that only administrators can see the bar I did this using conditionals

1) I have enable Hide bar set, however the option to hide the bar is never shown.

2) For all the administrators they can see the bar they can see all the applications, the whos online shows them online and where they are on the app, however the chat on the right hand side says... "You must register or login to chat."

Now in my admin control panel for Arrow chat it shows the number of users my site has, if I go to users and manage users I can search and find all my users. I can not however set moderators of admins in the admin panel.

I see at the ArrowChat site it says to test integration by going to But there is no debug directory.

I purchased this today, and got it all installed but am having two issues with it. (they could be related)

I currently have it set so that only administrators can see the bar I did this using conditionals

1) I have enable Hide bar set, however the option to hide the bar is never shown.

2) For all the administrators they can see the bar they can see all the applications, the whos online shows them online and where they are on the app, however the chat on the right hand side says... "You must register or login to chat."

Now in my admin control panel for Arrow chat it shows the number of users my site has, if I go to users and manage users I can search and find all my users. I can not however set moderators of admins in the admin panel.

I see at the ArrowChat site it says to test integration by going to But there is no debug directory.

You'd probably be best raising a support ticket on the Arrowchat website four this - as you've just bought it you'll have active support available.
Just installed arrowchat, does my current users base get intergrate automatically with Arrowchat or do I have to do something??

i get this error

Fatal error: The file /home/gametech/public_html/arrowchat/install/index.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5 and cannot run under PHP 5.5. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for either PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. in Unknown on line 0
i get this error

Fatal error: The file /home/gametech/public_html/arrowchat/install/index.php was encoded by the ionCube Encoder for PHP 5 and cannot run under PHP 5.5. Please ask the provider of the script to provide a version encoded with the ionCube Encoder for either PHP 5.3 or PHP 5.4 or PHP 5.5. in Unknown on line 0
The trial requires PHP 5.4 and lower at the moment. If we encode it for PHP 5.5 then 5.2 won't work which more people are using.

Unfortunately, you'll have to test on another server, downgrade your PHP, or buy the full version which does work on 5.5.
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