XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO

XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO [Paid]

No permission to buy ($40.00)
for some reason I can not find this but how do I change the interval between the slides on the feature slider? This was easy to find on the xf1.5 version...& just wondering why weren't the xf1.5 settings(pictured below) ported to xf2.x?

Nevermind: found the settings I was looking for within the features slider widget. Still acclimating to 2.1
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for some reason I can not find this but how do I change the interval between the slides on the feature slider? This was easy to find on the xf1.5 version...& just wondering why weren't the xf1.5 settings(pictured below) ported to xf2.x?
View attachment 225934
Are you referring to how fast the images slide essentially? If so it’s rotate frequency it’s just in milliseconds instead of seconds. 6000 = 6 seconds
How do I make the articles I promote, be the homepage?
For now, if someone clicks either my site, say for instance, example.com OR the Xenforo logo, the forum will be shown.

Also, clicking on the HOME button takes me to example.com/articles/
This is where all the promoted articles are shown.

I'm running xenforo 2.1.9
Xenforo was installed on public_html or web root
XF2 [8WR] XenPorta 2 (Portal) PRO was installed also on public_html
ok.... now 😁 is it xenporta 2 ok to update Xenforo to 2.1.10?
there will be compatibility issue?
I've never had a problem with upgrading and XenPorta.

Im just waiting on an answer from someone about how to make PINNED show rather than date for sticky articles in list view rather than only in mansonry.
I've never had a problem with upgrading and XenPorta.

Im just waiting on an answer from someone about how to make PINNED show rather than date for sticky articles in list view rather than only in mansonry.
I already told you to revert your templates.
I already told you to revert your templates.

There's nothing to revert and if there is I do not see anything. I even asked you exactly what I should do, because I was not seeing anything that needed to be reverted.

You may have missed where I said that the pinned tab, rather than the date, for sticky posts is working in masonry grid -- it is just not working in list view.

So, I am unsure what else to do (or what to revert) to make it work under both layouts -- is there some code I need to add? Either way, I don't know if you saw that it works under ONE layout but not the other @Jaxel

        <div class="block-body message-inner">
                <xf:if is="{{ property('EWRporta_dateblock') }}">
                    <div class="message-cell porta-article-date">
                        <div class="porta-date-block">
                            <xf:if is="$article.article_sticky">
                                <b><xf:fa icon="fa-thumbtack" /></b>
                                {{ phrase('EWRporta_pin') }}
                                {{ time($article.article_date, 'M') }}
                                <b>{{ time($article.article_date, 'd') }}</b>

It's in EWRporta_articles_macros (if that helps) just, again, not showing when in list view.
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There is no difference between masonry or not. One of your templates on your skins needs to be reverted.
There is no difference between masonry or not. One of your templates on your skins needs to be reverted.

Well thanks... I've reverted what I think is reverting...and got it to where it shows in list view if I do not have masonry OR list checked -- it's a little big since it's not confined by a max size without list being checked. So it works in list view with nothing checked and in masonry when masonry checked.

No idea about reverting anything, but at least I can make it work even if somewhat awkward.

Thanks anyway. Stay well and stay safe.
If anyone else could shed some live on WHICH template I need to look into for missing the "pinned" icon and text in the offset date block when in list view that would be really appreciated and helpful. I have gone back to the XF default theme (since I do not touch that at all, for anything) and even in the default XF theme I only get the pinned icon for sticky posts when in masonry or with masonry or list not ticked. If I tick list view then it only shows the DATE in the box not pinned with icon.

If someone could offer some help from their experience with this add-on enhancement, I'd really appreciate it. Thank you!
On a side note.. someone here may have some insight into this as well. While I've been looking through and reverting templates to no avail to fix the only challenge I am having with the add-on... I came across this piece of code:

    <div class="block-footer-controls">
                    <xf:button href="{{ link('threads', $article.Thread) }}" fa="fa-sign-in">
                        {{ phrase('continue...') }}

Which is great because I'd love to change the font awesome icon to something other than sign-in. However, I notice whenever I change that no matter what refresh or new browser I use the sign-in icon is still being displayed. I am working with the EWRporta_articles_macros template. Is there something I am overlooking?
I was also curious what the syntax would be if I wanted to change {{ phrase('continue...') }} to by own text (rather than changing a core phrase) to something like 'Read More..." ... but I have been playing with and looking over some tutorials without much luck.

If anyone can offer some insight, it's appreciated! Thanks!
Again... its more than obvious that you have templates that need to be reverted.

Okay but @Jaxel you keep saying about me needing to have templates that I need reverted and it must be more than obvious that I have NO clue what you are saying. I have reverted your add-ons templates, I have rebuilt your add-on and I have tested it with the standard Xenforo theme which has had NO updates (which is usually the litmus test for a theme issue) and the problem exists there also.

I have given extremely detailed information about the challenge I am facing. I have been friendly, nice, congenial - all of that - while still rating all your add-ons as 5-star because, well, they are 5 star for communities. It's GREAT stuff.. but when someone not as savvy as you, or who doesn't know it as well as you (because you created it) has a problem.. c'mon man, help them out. Yes you pointing myself and others to your FAQs have helped at times, but sometimes the instructions are so high level they really don't help with the challenge.

I will post the entirety of EWRporta_articles_macros where it seems the pinned enhancement which you were very kind to do for me resides. However, I have told you how it's working and how it's not working. I have NEVER changed the lay out until recently so if this was a known issue, I'd have never know.. but I have it now. I also work with a theme developer who works closely with your add-ons.. so I doubt it's theme and, as said before, it's happening in XF default also.

I have tried to do my due diligence to understand and fix the challenge. I have tried to revert whatever I could think to revert. I just cannot find the source or fix to the challenge. More importantly though I am not trying to be a pain in your butt, I own ALL your add-ons and I am going to be buying a second round of them for a new site.. I've already purchased the second round of licenses for database backup... so no one is trying to be a pain or annoying. However, we are paying customers so rather than brush us off with some "I know it, you should to" level of support ... why not just give us a kind, helping hand? No one is trying to demand your attention. Just trying to find a solution my friend.
Okay but @Jaxel you keep saying about me needing to have templates that I need reverted and it must be more than obvious that I have NO clue what you are saying. I have reverted your add-ons templates,
It could also be an outdated PAGE_CONTAINER template causing the issue and not just EWR's templates. I recall having an issue with the portal that got fixed by reverting page_container and then pasting back all the modifications I had.
It could also be an outdated PAGE_CONTAINER template causing the issue and not just EWR's templates. I recall having an issue with the portal that got fixed by reverting page_container and then pasting back all the modifications I had.

Thank you for your post, I really appreciate it. Outside of my theme provider, who works closely with Jaxel's add-ons, I do not modify those things because (as you can likely tell) I am not that savvy to do it. I am learning more and growing in my knowledge of how all this works on the back end thankfully, but I am still a newbie.

It's just odd, in my opinion, how it works perfectly in masonry and works perfectly when neither list or masonry are checked but then does not work when list is selected.

I have tried SO hard to figure it out and I just can't.
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