XF 2.2 XF\CssRenderException: Error rendering template public


Well-known member
The template in the error shouldn't exist on my site anymore, so I'm not sure what to do next.

XF\CssRenderException: Error rendering template public:xb.less: ParseError: Unexpected input in public:xb.less on line 4402, column 2 (on or near line 4402) src/XF/CssRenderException.php:89
Generated by: Unknown account Apr 12, 2023 at 9:59 PM
Stack trace
 4399 |
 4400 |     }
 4401 |
*4402*|     &.notice--accent
 4403 |     {
 4404 |
 4405 |         a:not(.button) {color: mix(, , 70%) }

#0 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(418): XF\CssRenderException::createFromLessException(Object(Less_Exception_Chunk), 'public:xb.less', '// Note that th...')
#1 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(352): XF\CssRenderer->renderToCss('public:xb.less', '// Note that th...')
#2 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(260): XF\CssRenderer->renderTemplate('public:xb.less', NULL)
#3 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(118): XF\CssRenderer->renderTemplates(Array, Array, Array)
#4 src/XF/CssWriter.php(55): XF\CssRenderer->render(Array)
#5 css.php(30): XF\CssWriter->run(Array, 4, 1, '9fbef6e03acb2c9...')
#6 {main}


Previous Less_Exception_Chunk: ParseError: Unexpected input in anonymous-file-0.less on line 4402, column 2
4400|     }
4402|     &.notice--accent
4403|     {
4405|         a:not(.button) {color: mix(, , 70%) } - src/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php:677
#0 src/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php(621): Less_Parser->GetRules(NULL)
#1 src/vendor/oyejorge/less.php/lib/Less/Parser.php(449): Less_Parser->_parse()
#2 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(414): Less_Parser->parse('// Note that th...')
#3 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(352): XF\CssRenderer->renderToCss('public:xb.less', '// Note that th...')
#4 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(260): XF\CssRenderer->renderTemplate('public:xb.less', NULL)
#5 src/XF/CssRenderer.php(118): XF\CssRenderer->renderTemplates(Array, Array, Array)
#6 src/XF/CssWriter.php(55): XF\CssRenderer->render(Array)
#7 css.php(30): XF\CssWriter->run(Array, 4, 1, '9fbef6e03acb2c9...')
#8 {main}
Request state
array(4) {
  ["url"] => string(297) "/css.php?css=public%3Aattachments.less%2Cpublic%3Abb_code.less%2Cpublic%3Alightbox.less%2Cpublic%3Amessage.less%2Cpublic%3Anotices.less%2Cpublic%3Ashare_controls.less%2Cpublic%3Axb.less%2Cpublic%3Axb_search.less%2Cpublic%3Aextra.less&s=4&l=1&d=1680461041&k=9fbef6e03acb2c9bebfa3bd2be7b3267c7d0b723"
  ["referrer"] => bool(false)
  ["_GET"] => array(5) {
    ["css"] => string(186) "public:attachments.less,public:bb_code.less,public:lightbox.less,public:message.less,public:notices.less,public:share_controls.less,public:xb.less,public:xb_search.less,public:extra.less"
    ["s"] => string(1) "4"
    ["l"] => string(1) "1"
    ["d"] => string(10) "1680461041"
    ["k"] => string(40) "9fbef6e03acb2c9bebfa3bd2be7b3267c7d0b723"
  ["_POST"] => array(0) {
Ensure all invalid markup is removed from less templates.

Rebuild the master data.
Even after the rebuild and checking for add-on interference or invalid markup, the error is still popping up.

@Russ - xb.less might be coming from one of your styles? I deleted the style completely and that was when the error started.
Make sure you have a font color + background color set here: Style properties -> Notices -> Accent notices

(unique to our styles).
That's the thing - my Tacoma forum doesn't currently have your styles at all. I deleted them all and reverted back to the default XF style (temporarily - I'm just changing things around). After deleting them, this started. Almost seems like a cache issue or something?
There is a possibility that the current default XF style I am using, used to be a child of @Russ style. It is now a child of nothing and all changes are reverted to default XF, but maybe this is why?
If you exported the style and checked that annoying box "Export as independent style" it would include essentially everything in our framework.
If you exported the style and checked that annoying box "Export as independent style" it would include essentially everything in our framework.
In that case - and if there is no other solution - I guess I need to delete this entire style and replace it with a brand new one that never touched a XenBase style? Idk, I'll just try doing that for now.
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