XenCentral Feedback System 2

XenCentral Feedback System 2 [Paid] 2.3.5

No permission to buy (€54.99)
I also received a new build that I'm happy to report fixes the issues I had reported. The SQL injection thing is apparently not a concern as the query is crafted correctly to avoid injection despite what the error log seemed to show.
Yes, they fixed it in version 2.3.6 which they sent me.
If I go to download the latest version from their site, I get 2.3.5, so it hasn't been released.

Silly question, perhaps, but where did you submit your ticket and receive a response, along with the new 2.3.6 version?
Found a bug with this. When leaving feedback and the thread is required, it only shows the most recent 30. So if the user(s) are posting lots of threads, it may not find the correct thread in the first 30 selected.
In fact, the drop-down thread select is empty in at least one situation on AVForums.
As a quick fix, we edited the addon and changed this number from 30 to 100 and the thread appears.
But the query takes 1.5 seconds which is unacceptably slow.
The way that threads are selected needs revamping as the current method is very inefficient.
there is an issue with cache rebuild for Rebuild feedback is verified

after starting rebuild "Feedback System: Rebuild feedback is verified" it ends aborting process with error and a phrase "You already left feedback for this thread."
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