TPU: Detect and Block Spam Registrations

TPU: Detect and Block Spam Registrations 1.6.6

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From what I understand, Akismet needs an actual post to be invoked, it won't just work on a registration alone?
Correct. I guess what I'm actually looking for is some sort of per-user spam log as the current UI isn't searchable at all.

The use-case I'm looking at, is a user was let in on a moderate spam score, was manually approved, and then makes spam posts. At which point seeing the Akismet record + the original registration log to adjust spam settings would be handy.
Got a strange error when I tried to do a test user sign up on my forums XF 1.3.3 updated

Server Error

Only variables should be passed by reference

XenForo_Application::handlePhpError() in TPUDetectSpamReg/AS.php at line 22
TPUDetectSpamReg_AS::getASNameAndNumber() in TPUDetectSpamReg/AS.php at line 58
call_user_func_array() in XenForo/CodeEvent.php at line 90
XenForo_CodeEvent::fire() in TPUDetectSpamReg/ModelSpamPrevention.php at line 67
TPUDetectSpamReg_ModelSpamPrevention->allowRegistration() in XenForo/ControllerPublic/Register.php at line 253
XenForo_ControllerPublic_Register->actionRegister() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 347
XenForo_FrontController->dispatch() in XenForo/FrontController.php at line 134
XenForo_FrontController->run() in /home/****/public/index.php at line 13
in AS.php replace line 22:
 $items=array_shift(explode('|', $dns[0]['txt'], 2));
$items=explode('|', $dns[0]['txt'], 2);

the warning is related to strict mode, which doesn't like explode() being passed to array_shift() which expects a variable reference, but explode is a function, that returns a variable, but not good enough for strict mode.
@W1zzard It looks like this plugin doesn't resolve the AS number for an IPv6 address.

It looks like the "TPUDetectSpamReg_TOR::reverseIP", "TPUDetectSpamReg_AS::reverseIP" and "TPUDetectSpamReg_AS::getASNameAndNumber" do not handle IPv6 correctly (or at all).

getASNameAndNumber needs to use "" for IPv6 and reversing an Ipv6 address is much more complex than what reverseIP does.

Additionally; states that the correct response is:
Other A records inside net 127/8, except, are reserved for future use and should be interpreted by clients as indicating an exit node. Queries outside the DNSEL's zone of authority result in REFUSED. Ill-formed queries inside its zone of authority result in NXDOMAIN.
That's correct, only IPv4 supported at this time. I'll happily accept patches for the source code
I've been using a patch for this which enables IPv6 support for ASN lookups, and it has been quite successful so far.

However, AT&T and Comcast for some reason have IPv6 devices which have the following ports which respond to connection requests: 80, 8080, 1080, 25, 22, 21

This is needless to say leading to false positives.
Have you done a portscan on those IPs? what OS are they ? what's running on those ports?
IPv6 connections are proxied via Cloudflare and I don't currently have an IPv6 capable machine which isn't heavily firewalled by someone else.
Have you done a portscan on those IPs? what OS are they ? what's running on those ports?
I just realised, because the webserver doesn't have native IPv6 connectivity; the Open Port scan should fail.

It looks like it was mangling the ipv6 address into an ipv4 address and not failing correctly.
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If you proxy IPv6 via Cloudflare and your server has no IPv6, then your server should receive a connection from an IPv4 IP instead, which is probably one of Cloudflare's servers?
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