
Tickets [Paid] 2.7.2

No permission to buy ($60.00)
Has anyone been able to the escalations working? None of mine work, example of one below. It should set a ticket to "Pending" if a staff member is the last user to reply. This doesn't happen, even if I set to it to moderator or administrator and reply to tickets with admin and mod accounts. Can't seem to get any of the ticket criteria to work.

I'm starting to look into a ticketing system to replace our Snog Form based one.

Couple of questions to users and @NixFifty:

1. Custom fields - can you define custom fields per category? What sort can I use i.e. standard XF custom fields? Do you support any field level conditional statements?

2. Ticket Handling - are ticket responses visible to all staff? I have a strange workflow where I'd like staff responses to only be visible to the ticket creator (not each other) so curious if that can be cobbled together somehow.

Hi. This is a great ticket system and I'm really liking it. However, I do have a suggestion and I'm wondering if this has been brought up in the past. It would be great if users submitting a ticket could use a form instead of the normal "New thread" option? I would like users on my forum to strictly stick to a certain format of the ticket as well as my staff team being able to take full advantage of this ticket system. This suggestion being a possibility in the future would definitely make this ticket addon even better than it was before. I understand if this isn't something that may not be implemented. It definitely wouldn't change me using this addon going into the future.
I have some questions, please:

1. It would be nice to have the tabs
Profile | Discussion also on top of the discussion. You can click from profile to discussion, but you need the first post of the discussion to come back.
For me the tab is a must have here.

2. I am not sure how to handle things in real life
One idea could be to show the tickets only for the stuff and show the thread only to the client.
Then i would need all fields inside the thread; here a client needs to change the text field.

The tickets are for the stuff (what is open, what closed?)
The threads are for communication (also the threads can be connected with the calerndar.

3. With using the tickets only the client can edit the ticket (one click/form) or the text.
For a normal person this is one click to much. It should be one form.
Then i would not use the thread at all, because a client can edit the fields, but then i have no connect to the calendar.
4. View tickets, add tickets, but dont see own => error-message;
one way could be to send a ticket, dont see it, but see the thread (perfekt with ugp dont see other threads in this forum)
but then the errormessage should be away and the redirect should go to the thread. Also the fields should be in the thread.

I really like what could be possible with that addon, i like contact to ticket, thread to ticket, conf to ticket. But for (my) real life it misses some important points in usability.

5. You may want to solve a real life problem with it, then you may understand me. Also you should/could connect this with your calendar.
For thte cal i also have some ideas to make a real powerful tool.
NixFifty updated Tickets with a new update entry:

Version 2.1.0

  • Add a basic and optional knowledge base system.
  • When copying a thread/conversation to a ticket, update BBCode references to point to new attachments.
  • Implement attachment handling when editing an edited ticket message.
  • Fix preview link for editing ticket messages.
  • Add the ability to prune custom field contents after a period of time has elapsed after ticket creation.
  • More accurately set dates for incoming email tickets.
  • Add a permission for viewing ticket owner...

Read the rest of this update entry...
This looked pretty great. Can different custom fields be used based on the category chosen? For example, if the user chooses category 1, custom field 1 is visible and can be filled out. If they choose category 2, custom field 2 is visible and can be filled out.
This looked pretty great. Can different custom fields be used based on the category chosen? For example, if the user chooses category 1, custom field 1 is visible and can be filled out. If they choose category 2, custom field 2 is visible and can be filled out.
Yeah, you can create custom fields on a per-category basis.
Does anyone else have an issue with the alerts permission sticking? I can check the box so the user gets an alert per each step and hit save, but when I go back in the permission is unchecked.
Does anyone else have an issue with the alerts permission sticking? I can check the box so the user gets an alert per each step and hit save, but when I go back in the permission is unchecked.
I believe someone (or possibly yourself) posted that as a bug the other day. It has been fixed in the next version.
NixFifty updated Tickets with a new update entry:

Version 2.1.3

  • Add CLI commands to run rebuild tasks.
  • Update option group icon to match resource manager icon.
  • Fix an issue when trying to convert conversations to tickets.
  • Fix an issue when using a response in a ticket with no priority assigned.
  • Ensure user ticket counts are properly incremented.
  • Ensure counts are properly updated when tickets are hard-deleted.
  • Properly save "Alert on status transition" option.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Is there a way to keep your tickets open if you convert ticket to thread? I ask because my mods often to this to discuss an issue without the OP present but it closes out the ticket each time. Thanks
How or where can I clear this so I stop getting these error logs. The person who set it up added the custom field then deleted after he created the tickets. If I have to go into database that is fine.

Stack trace​

#0 src/XF/CustomField/DefinitionSet.php(168): XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet->offsetGet('clan_name')
#1 src/XF/CustomField/Set.php(69): XF\CustomField\DefinitionSet->get('clan_name')
#2 src/addons/NF/Tickets/Repository/Ticket.php(576): XF\CustomField\Set->getDefinition('clan_name')
#3 src/addons/NF/Tickets/Job/PruneFields.php(31): NF\Tickets\Repository\Ticket->pruneTicketFields(Object(NF\Tickets\Entity\Ticket))
#4 src/XF/Job/AbstractRebuildJob.php(47): NF\Tickets\Job\PruneFields->rebuildById(12)
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(253): XF\Job\AbstractRebuildJob->run(G)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(195): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, G)
#7 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(79): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, G)
#8 job.php(42): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#9 {main}
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