Threadloom Search for XenForo 1.5.x [Deleted]

Guys, make sure your users are white-listing your site if they're using any kind of browser addon blocker, like uBlock.
Guys, make sure your users are white-listing your site if they're using any kind of browser addon blocker, like uBlock.
I didn't consider that could be the issue - good idea. But hopefully there's nothing wrong with self-hosting the CSS, if that's what's causing the problem.

There are a lot of users who are more likely to leave a site in favor of another should they need to whitelist/disable adblockers. My site doesn't run ads (donation-based) but I have a personal policy of not leaving bugs for my users to fix.
It occurred to me that I should mention I'm using the Threadloom Search beta version for XF 2. I assume these are related issues, but just in case....

Also, Evan from Threadlooms suggested I try turning on "Adaptive Styling" in the Threaddloom options if I was using the default Threadloom theme. This isn't actually an option for the XF2 version, but thought I'd mention it for the rest of you, in case some of you are having these display issues and haven't already tried that on XF1.
Does anyone know a way to NOT display thread replies in the search results? If I search by title I'd rather just have that title returned, not the title and down the page the ten replies people made to the thread, because it looks as if they're all separate results.
Working with uBlock we have the CSS no longer blocked so most of the styling has returned, still waiting to see if they will approve the JS for full functionality once again.

Thank you for your patience on this!
Working with uBlock we have the CSS no longer blocked so most of the styling has returned, still waiting to see if they will approve the JS for full functionality once again.

Thank you for your patience on this!
Thank you. Now if you guys could just do something about the issue I mentioned in my last post above.... :)

Edit: Hmm, or maybe you did. I'm noticing now that when searching by title I'm not seeing all the user replies in the results.(y)
Working with uBlock we have the CSS no longer blocked so most of the styling has returned, still waiting to see if they will approve the JS for full functionality once again.

Thank you for your patience on this!

Early testing this morning shows that the JS required for our drops downs, etc have been restored. Thank you again to all those that reached out here, and understanding as we got to the bottom of this unique issue.

Any chance you guys plan on adding a prefix search option?
Does your forum have prefixes already on forum? It's automatically detected, and added when a user gets to the search screen. Let me know if you're talking about something else.
I've got lots of prefixes, but there's no drop-down menu with a prefix field as on the Home Theater site you guys link to, and searching by prefix brings up nothing. I am on your XF 2.0 beta version, though, so maybe that's why...? Or maybe it just isn't working right at the moment. I'll take a look again later today.

Thank you for tackling the uBlock issue!
I've got lots of prefixes, but there's no drop-down menu with a prefix field as on the Home Theater site you guys link to, and searching by prefix brings up nothing. I am on your XF 2.0 beta version, though, so maybe that's why...? Or maybe it just isn't working right at the moment. I'll take a look again later today.

Thank you for tackling the uBlock issue!
Not sure if you looked yet or not, but I believe it to be a bug. Working with our ENG team to get that corrected.

Just a reminder to a few questions we've been getting, we are fully GDPR compliant - feel free to also read up about our new List Builder addon coming shortly.
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Does anyone know a way to NOT display thread replies in the search results? If I search by title I'd rather just have that title returned, not the title and down the page the ten replies people made to the thread, because it looks as if they're all separate results.
I had thought maybe this had been resolved at some point, but I was still seeing this regularly on searches. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I don't like thread responses showing up as separate search results, each one looking at first glance like a separate thread. I've disabled Threadloom until this is no longer the case, or there's an option to disable it. It's confusing for users. (Again, I'm using the beta on XF 2.)
I had thought maybe this had been resolved at some point, but I was still seeing this regularly on searches. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but I don't like thread responses showing up as separate search results, each one looking at first glance like a separate thread. I've disabled Threadloom until this is no longer the case, or there's an option to disable it. It's confusing for users. (Again, I'm using the beta on XF 2.)
Is this happening every search? Or just particular results that aren't plentiful?

If you provide your forum url via conversation, I'm sure we can work together to solve this dilemma
Is this happening every search? Or just particular results that aren't plentiful?

If you provide your forum url via conversation, I'm sure we can work together to solve this dilemma
It definitely does seem to happen when there are fewer thread results. If there were dozens of thread results for a search, it would likely be a non-issue. But if there's, let's say, only one thread returned, then that one thread will be shown and then below it all seven or eight (or however many) posts/responses to the thread will also be shown, but the way the results are formatted they all look at first glance like separate threads.
threadloom updated Threadloom Search with a new update entry:

2.0.11 – released 2018-07-05

Adds support for List Builder and includes an AMP-friendly change. Fixes an issue with expanded cards in search.


  • Adds support for List Builder.

  • Improves compatibility with AMP by not loading JavaScript on AMP pages.

  • Fixes an issue with expanded cards in search. There is still a known issue when filtering by certain usernames. This will be addressed in a future release.

Read the rest of this update entry...

I've seen a few of the below errors over the last couple of days. Is everything ok with your service? This is for XF2

  • ErrorException: Threadloom Error, sync halted. If this persists, please contact Threadloom support. Error: Diagnostic failed.
  • src/XF/Error.php:75
  • Generated by: Unknown account
  • Nov 12, 2018 at 5:11 PM
Stack trace
#0 src/XF.php(162): XF\Error->logError('Threadloom Erro...', false)
#1 src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Repository/Sync.php(100): XF::logError('Threadloom Erro...')
#2 src/addons/Threadloom/Search/Cron/Sync.php(10): Threadloom\Search\Repository\Sync->sync()
#3 [internal function]: Threadloom\Search\Cron\Sync::sync(Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#4 src/XF/Job/Cron.php(35): call_user_func(Array, Object(XF\Entity\CronEntry))
#5 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(241): XF\Job\Cron->run(7.9964778423309)
#6 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(187): XF\Job\Manager->runJobInternal(Array, 7.9964778423309)
#7 src/XF/Job/Manager.php(76): XF\Job\Manager->runJobEntry(Array, 7.9964778423309)
#8 job.php(14): XF\Job\Manager->runQueue(false, 8)
#9 {main}
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