[TH] Giphy [Deleted]

I was referring to the images it pops up, of course it'll do images based off your word, but what it shows is random images out of a huge list related to your word.
Ah well within their API I don't think there's another way.
Any way to shrink that down a bit?

It shouldn't show that border unless you're using the "Keyword as Quote" display type. If you can get me a link to your site I can get you CSS to remove the border

Also, is there a worry about nude gifs with the R rating

I'm not 100% sure what Giphy uses to rate their gifs, but I assume R would have that possibility
It shouldn't show that border unless you're using the "Keyword as Quote" display type. If you can get me a link to your site I can get you CSS to remove the border
that's with the tooltip option. quote embeds the whole thing in a quote box. i'll shoot you a pm.

another issue i discovered is the system has an issue dealing with multi-worded search terms. i can search son of a ***** on giphy but it won't register with the addon, even in quotes. Thoughts on this?
another issue i discovered is the system has an issue dealing with multi-worded search terms. i can search son of a ***** on giphy but it won't register with the addon, even in quotes. Thoughts on this?
I think you can use hyphens at least, maybe that phrase just doesn't work.
I think you can use hyphens at least, maybe that phrase just doesn't work.
it works on giphy. i've been testing it and it seems hit and miss. sometimes it comes back with the desired results, sometimes it comes back with the first word in the search string, and sometimes it doesn't work. I'll try out hyphens and report back.
The inmates have revolted against this. They kept getting dumb gifs that had nothing to do with the insults they wanted to hurl. Looks like we'll have to wait for the popup selection box.
The inmates have revolted against this. They kept getting dumb gifs that had nothing to do with the insults they wanted to hurl. Looks like we'll have to wait for the popup selection box.

That feature is a long term plan. I'll see about getting support for the 'search' API as an option instead of just translate for a short-term solution. It seems more reliable from my tests.
The inmates have revolted against this. They kept getting dumb gifs that had nothing to do with the insults they wanted to hurl. Looks like we'll have to wait for the popup selection box.

Out of curiosity, what do you have your rating setting at? Have you tried raising it?
I appreciate you as always going out of your way.
There's no need for snark Michael, nor is it proper to speak to a paying customer like that, no matter the cost of the purchase. I see that time has not improved your customer service skills in any noticeable way. I have no idea if you guys are aware of what other people are doing, nor do I know what features you have planned. I posted it as an example of another way of looking at the issue at hand.

Maybe I was wrong in reinvesting in your outfit. Once a problem with customer service, always a problem I suppose. Let me know who I should get in contact with for a refund for this and the other addon I purchase.
When you use a keyword, will it circulate other images? Or if I use a keyword and this image shows up, is that image be the only one for that keyword?

For example, I use the keyword lol and image_lol.gif appears, will I only get image_lol.gif all the time or when I use the keyword lol the next time, will I get a new GIF?
It randomly selects an image based on the string you entered. It's possible to get the same image twice, but generally it'll be a new one
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