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TaigaChat - AJAX shoutbox

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I made a modification to a template so sprite smilies are working here - but:
I have to upgrade to 1.1 and it is working for sprite smilies only.

I think it was this:
Edit dark_tagiachat_controls (I paste the full code here - the change is about line 17)
Note: Probabbly I had to made some more modifications to a php file.. i'll look into this...

I cant find the file "dark_tagiachat_controls" ...
New version :)

0.5.4 (11/12/2011):
  • Fixed smilies not working correctly if using sprite mode
  • Fixed media tags not parsing to links correctly in limited bbcode modes
  • Updated XenPorta module to work with XenPorta 1.5+
  • Fixed issues with /find-new/ + others and general improper hooking
  • Added new option 'Global hook' allowing you to include the template code literally anywhere
Fatal error: Call to undefined function lcfirst() in /home/content/36/8364836/html/forumzzz/library/Dark/TaigaChat/EventListener/FrontControllerPreView.php on line 10

I just got this error do you know what's causing this ?
Fatal error: Call to undefined function lcfirst() in /home/content/36/8364836/html/forumzzz/library/Dark/TaigaChat/EventListener/FrontControllerPreView.php on line 10

I just got this error do you know what's causing this ?

Redownload and replace /library/Dark/TaigaChat/EventListener/FrontControllerPreView.php - I managed to use a function only available in PHP 5.3 >.>
The following error occurred

The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console.

Not sure what this means ? I was trying to post message got that error .
The following error occurred

The server responded with an error. The error message is in the JavaScript console.

Not sure what this means ? I was trying to post message got that error .

What browser are you using and are you sure you uploaded everything?

Can you check the XenForo error log to see if it shows more detail?
Not sure what's wrong can't figure out everything seems to be ok but even my buddy is getting same error . Is there any chance for add-on to clash with other java based add-on.
Ye thanks i was dumb not to check at version ! Buddy mentioned he recently updated his board but turned out someone lied him L0L.
I can't get it to import to XenPorta, or make it show, not sure what I'm doing wrong, its all installed/uploaded and I have XenForo 1.0...
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