Show who's viewing / who has viewed a thread.


Active member
I'm not sure if this is posted yet, but maybe show (x viewing) for the forum index page and also who is viewing a forum / thread?

Plus a list of those who have already viewed.

It comes in handy sometimes when you're curious who is viewing a topic or forum.
Upvote 104
Couldn't find another thread with the same content. But is the members/guest viewing option enabled in the 1.0.0 release as I can't seem to find the option in the admincp.
We certainly need this, for me and for a lot of other people it is essential to have the amount of users viewing certain forum.

This helps the admin keep track of which sections are popular on their forum / get the most users. It also helps other users / visitors see if the forum is active or not.

As long as there is an "off" button I am sure this shouldn't be a problem with anyone. Since Kier said it is already being tracked, and just need to be displayed, then it shouldn't be that hard to implement it either.
Is this added or not? Currently my breaking point before spending 140$ Let me know Thanks. I could probably code it but Aint spending 140$ to code a addon lol
I just thought I'd go ahead and bump this thread as it's something that I miss. Especially when you have multiple people in a thread discussing something and you don't know who's there. It's also nice to see who's viewing a certain forum.
i dont understand the point of this...just go to members online now and you can see what each member is looking at at the current moment
The issue is not knowing where every member is at, but rather who is viewing the same thread as you at that very moment. It's nice to be able to see who's in the same thread as you when you are having a discussion or just browsing. It also takes away a level of being alone in a thread as you know who is there, in my opinion.
Also waiting for this to be implemented, it is quite essential. At least for me, I need to see which forums are popular among my members and which are not. That would help me determine which way my site should be going, as of yet, I cannot do that.
Also waiting for this to be implemented, it is quite essential. At least for me, I need to see which forums are popular among my members and which are not.

Wouldn't you base that on the number of posts in a thread? The point of a forum, in my opinion, is actual interaction; the sharing of ideas, viewpoints and opinions.
Also waiting for this to be implemented, it is quite essential. At least for me, I need to see which forums are popular among my members and which are not.
Wouldn't that be based on hits ? or VIEWs ?
This suggestion won't help gauge what you are looking for.
Wouldn't you base that on the number of posts in a thread? The point of a forum, in my opinion, is actual interaction; the sharing of ideas, viewpoints and opinions.
It's nice to be able to see who's in the same thread as you when you are having a discussion or just browsing. It also takes away a level of being alone in a thread as you know who is there, in my opinion.

Absolutely agree. I am an active member on a couple of boards and being able to see who else is viewing a thread is really nice and is something I really like. It does perk a user's interest to make good posts.

This suggestion was made in 2010, and it doesnt look like the developers think the same unfortunately :(
I would really love that feature too. Its highly appreciated on my current vB since years and the members are always heavily complaining when I temporarily turn it of for performance reasons in peak season. +1
i dont understand the point of this...just go to members online now and you can see what each member is looking at at the current moment
I don't know about others but on our forums the point is that members like to see who else is present in a thread they're active in, it creates a 'cozy' feeling. Especially if a thread is very busy and popular. It's actually one of the features that our members love and can't do without.

The other indicators like how many are viewing a forum (on the main page) are of less importance to members, but I personally believe they are useful, they create the feeling of activity and this stimulates people to ask questions, or start discussions. After being admin for 12 years I can assure you things like this really help with building an active community. It's worth the extra queries if you can afford to run them.
I've already seen this implemented on another forum that was using Xenforo software, so i'm assuming there is a mod available somewhere?
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