Show who's viewing / who has viewed a thread.


Active member
I'm not sure if this is posted yet, but maybe show (x viewing) for the forum index page and also who is viewing a forum / thread?

Plus a list of those who have already viewed.

It comes in handy sometimes when you're curious who is viewing a topic or forum.
Upvote 104
I don't understand why this feature is not included in the xenforo core.. a good forum software should support this additional information for threads and forums!
I don't understand why this feature is not included in the xenforo core.. a good forum software should support this additional information for threads and forums!

If I recall correctly, @Jeremy said the information was already there, but that it just needed to be pushed to the front-end.

Correct me if I'm wrong, Jeremy.
I also support this feature, it's nice to see who is viewing your thread, or the thread you are in. Perhaps this could be added to the core with a simple on/off option for the admin if they do not want it on their forum? I can't imagine why anyone would not want it though, unless it's something like a guest only forum.

I'm currently using a nice app, however, as always I would prefer it in the core as apps can break upon a XenForo software update.
Which Mod do you use?

What has to be done to bring this feature on the todo list for the next xenforo release? It cant be that hard to implement. As I saw we will be under the greatest Xenforo Forums in the web when we relaunch our site and a lot of beta users miss this feature..
Would definitely like to see this. There's an addon for it, but I haven't found it to be very dependable, to be honest. Would love to see this implemented in the core.
Heh, by coincidence, a little project I just started as I will need this add-on for my site. It was meant to keep track of the last forum a member visited when they logged out or their session expired, and I needed to keep this information for an X amount of time (set by cron). When I was creating this add-on to do just that, I realized I can use that same information to see who is currently viewing a forum, page, category or thread, so I decided why not.

The only thing it does not do is keep track of if a member viewed a particular thread or not, as their is no reliable way of proving they did, and also it's not a functionality I need for my site.

I would still like this added in Xenforo but for now I would have to buy these addons from @borbole

That's nearly $20. Wish it was combined into one.

The one I put up over a year ago is free and a single add-on. However it's a bit dated at the moment has a couple of minor issues. Really needs to be rewritten to NOT use xenforos data tracking.

I've seen it done a couple of ways. Daniels method for example will be more suited to some sites.
It's good to see that many other users also use this feature on other forum software that's available.
It'd be great to see this launch in the core product rather than a separate add-on in the future. Perhaps XenForo 2?

this feature must come with option that I can turn off.

it just make user focus on some pop forum, and decrease the interest for other forums.
This is s suggestion that the ability be added to the core not as an free or paid addon, and the OP was made well before either of those addons were released.
I'm fully aware of what it is ozzy, hence the 'just saying' part at the end, smh
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