Scheduled Thread / Post


Active member
Create one or more posts ahead of time to be automatically submitted later.

For example, type the post and get it formatted nicely and then wait for the "press release day" for it to be submitted. News/media/entertainment industries get information but are not allowed to be released until later on (days, weeks, etc.). Even useful for forum announcements.

What do you think?
Upvote 192
I actually paid for a modification like this once (vB). This is nice and can be very useful if you want to think ahead, so liked.
yeah I like this.
You mean having this option for the Admin only, or for a special usergroup or for all members ?

If this feature to be avail for all members, how to prevent spam-flooding ?
You could have a system where the post is moderated until a certain time, then it auto approves - so mods and admins could see it beforehand, and edit it as necessary, but members would not see it appear until it went approved.
I agree that this would nice particularly for games (I've used the scheduled post capabilities of vB's blog entries for that), announcements, and birthday threads (we have a "Happy Birthday" subforum where "happy birthday to __" threads are made to celebrate, but perhaps they could be made early if one remembered beforehand--this would be where the suggestion Paul M made above me would be handy).
IPB has it as standard, you can set the opening and closing time of a thread... and it will hide it until then and or after, dependent on what you set, quite a neat feature.
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