XF 2.0 Problems importing users

@Brogan , Just get users? I saw. But I do not understand. :( What is this? Data directory and Internal data directory?
"Continue…" is Eror;
The directory /hide/public_html/data does not contain the expected contents.
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What are you actually trying to do? You need a full XF install of data to run the importer (which includes an avatars/ sub-directory in the data directory).
@Mike , There's just a database. I have not backed up other files. Can not I transfer it using the database? xf_user get the table inport. It gave a mistake. :( I just need to transfer members.:cry:
We wouldn't ever recommend trying to transplant specific tables between databases. An import is the recommended approach as to import users, there are several other steps that have to be run first. You would then deselect all other steps though.

You will need to create "empty" data/ and internal_data/ directories to read from. I use this in quotes as they need to look like a real install -- we do this intentionally to ensure people enter correct paths. It may be easiest to point at a copy of the directories from another install (though they shouldn't actually be used if you're just importing users).
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