[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.4 Beta 6

No permission to buy ($30.00)
This plugin can be used to perform a kind of contract like this?
Templating like that is not possible.

The addon limits the answers to rows. It means all answers are on their own rows like:
Hello this is my audio stream: {audio_streams}​
{audio_streams} <- This is my audio stream​
This {audio_streams} is my audio stream​

Or at most on a new line or two new lines likes:

Hello this is my audio stream:​

Hello this is my audio stream:​

So you can move the answer on the row. Like place it at the end, in the beginning, in the middle, or even place it on a new line but you can't go outside of this like a full templating.
I have a form and trying to have it visible by Registered Users. It has an attachment question that reports to a private forum thread. The user making the post is me, the admin. I have permissions to view/post to the private forum.

As admin, I can get to the form. However, when I switch to a Registered User, the form says I don't have permission to see it.

I've only checked "logged in user" under the user criteria.

Need some help to make the form viable by anyone.

@sbj @Ozzy47 @Painbaker
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I mean you are contradicting yourself, no?

A private forum is private. Make that private forum public and your problem is solved.

Also you need to be more precise. "Access to a form" is a different thing than "access to a forum". So, when it says you don't have permission, what is saying that? Can the registered user see the form, access it but when submitted it can't see where the submitted post went? Or he can't access the form at all?

From your message I read that you limited the forum node by making it private, but you didn't make the form private. So if you can be more precise, I can help you out, it seems like a trivial permissions problem.
Thanks for popping in and answering.

This add-on is involved with many options. I appreciate the documentation that helps but there are cases where things are not obvious.

I am running an aquascaping contest where contestants will fill out the form and attach a picture of their aquariums. When they hit submit, the form should make a post in a designated thread and attach the responses and the image.

As this is a contest, I create a forum and made it private with only admin permission. I made a thread within this forum to be the thread that the form submissions get added to. I have to keep this private so that only I see the entries.

In the form, I made myself the user that is making the posts. "Poster User Name" in the form options. My logic is that because I have permission to create posts in that thread, this will work and only I will see the submissions.

The issue with the above to make it work is that I had to grant Registered Users limited permissions for the private forum. The permissions are Post new thread, View attachments to posts and Upload attachments to posts. I am hoping this will keep the forum private but make the form work. Testing now.

Nope, still doesn't show for Registered Users.

To be clear, I created a form. I copied the form's URL and created a public navigation link to it. When I visit the URL as admin, I see the form. When I access the form as Registered User, I get a permission error.

I looked at the form and in User Criteria, I have checked logged in and Registered User in "any of the selected user groups.

Anywhere else I can check to make this work? Curiously I clicked on the "visible to anyone" that says it bypasses user criteria but it still gives a permission issue.

[Face palm moment] I forgot to grant the Registered User Group permission to see forms...

Feel free to delete the post or leave it with crossed out text to remind people to check ALL permissions.
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It is okay, no problem as long as it works out for you. You can always come here and ask.

Just a reminder to everyone. Permission and criteria stuff is like the most confusing part of XF. People always have problems with that. To be fair, this addon has 5 layers of permissions which adds to the problem.

  • 1) User criteria for form types.
  • 2) User criteria for forms.
  • 3) User group permission: can view forms
  • 4) "This form is active" setting for each form
  • 5) "Publicly visible" setting for each form

  • ->1) If your form is saved under a form type (types are optional), the user must first meet the user criteria for the type in order to acces types.

  • ->2) Then the user must meet the criteria for each form to access the form itself. (This is the most important permission and basically the main option).

  • ->3) The user group permission is actually a pseudo-permission. It doesn't control if the user can actually view the form or not. The user criteria options in 1) and 2) control it. This controls the option if one can view form entry on the frontend navigation. It only activates/deactivates the entry on the navigation bar or widget. It means, if someone knows the url of the form, he can always access it (if 1) and 2) are met). So one can create forms which are not listed to the front-end, like people don't see them listed but you can have the form active. So if you wanted a secret public form, this is possible. Or you want people to see the available forms yet still they can't access them cause of 1) or 2). It means you can make them aware of forms but they are not in the right criteria to access them. This is like a paywall thing.

  • ->4) Making a form active or not is another knob. It means you can create a form in ACP and not make it public to anyone. This lets you to tinker the settings before "you go live". Or like deactivate it when you don't use it anymore but you don't want to delete it either in case you want to use it again. Say you have a form for Christmas. You create it and make it active in Christmas time and then deactivate it the rest of the year and activate it again when Christmas comes again.

  • ->5) This is a new setting. For people who don't want to bother with permissions, it bypasses everything and makes it available to everyone.
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Ozzy47 updated [OzzModz] Advanced Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.2 Update 2.2.0 Release Candidate 4

2.2.0 Release Candidate 4:
  • Fix: Second conditional for "yes/no" questions does not work
  • Fix: default value for xf_user snog_forms column
  • Fix: properly render user criteria to avoid conflicts
  • Feature: thread report forum selection based on "Single selection forum list" question answer
  • Fix: "Quick reply option button" option doesn't create posts
  • Fix: "Attempted to set 'hasconditional' on a deleted entity" error while deleting master question with conditionals
  • Fix...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I'm running into an issue with my forms and I can't seem to figure it out even if I thought I had it.

So my registered users aren't able to submit their forms at all and at the top of the form, there's this message.
I've tried looking through the advanced forms types and forms but doesn't seem to be working anywhere but then realized if they can at least see it, it has to be something else? So I tried to edit the permissions on each group, including the perms on the node itself but still nothing. I'm sure I'm missing something obvious but just can't figure out what, could I get some help on this?


I explained 3 messages above yours all the layers of permissions.

But let's go step by step.

1) Can they actually see the form and fill it out?
2) According to your screenshot they see it, can fill it, but can't submit it. It indicates that the user trying to do that hasn't the permission in the node to create threads (or write posts). Can you confirm if that user can create threads in that target node?

I explained 3 messages above yours all the layers of permissions.

But let's go step by step.

1) Can they actually see the form and fill it out?
2) According to your screenshot they see it, can fill it, but can't submit it. It indicates that the user trying to do that hasn't the permission in the node to create threads (or write posts). Can you confirm if that user can create threads in that target node?
Ah apologies, I must have skipped over it. They can submit normally in the specific node.
But reading over your previous post, I realized I set one too many criteria on the regular users so it's working okay now.
Thanks for the response though!
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Рossible automatically instantly approval user group if the user answered all the questions correctly?
For test the user's knowledge of the subject.
Рossible automatically instantly approval user group if the user answered all the questions correctly?
For test the user's knowledge of the subject.
Yes, kind of but limited.

You can use the instant promote option:


As you see it instantly promotes the user once the form is submitted successfully.

You can combine it with regex (regular expressions):


So for single line, multi-line textboxes and for the spinbox you can insert a regex in place. You could only allow "Grapefruit" as the only correct answer. And if you make the questions required, the form only submits when all questions are answered and the regex makes sure only correct answers goes through.

But we can't help you out with the regex stuff. For allowing just one specific word the regex should be pretty simple actually, Stackoverflow should have an answer for that.
So for single line, multi-line textboxes and for the spinbox you can insert a regex in place. You could only allow "Grapefruit" as the only correct answer. And if you make the questions required, the form only submits when all questions are answered and the regex makes sure only correct answers goes through.

But we can't help you out with the regex stuff. For allowing just one specific word the regex should be pretty simple actually, Stackoverflow should have an answer for that.
This is not the kind of logic I want.
I need the form to always be sent, but approval user group was if all the answers are correct.
Yeah, as I said, it is limited and that is not possible with this addon if you want it automatically to happen.

The alternative is to approve it manually (which is why that feature is there). I mean some human being needs to check if the answers are correct or not, how would the addon ever know what answers are correct? There is no system in place for those things unfortunately.
From addon description i see for each question can be correct answer, but I do not see that it can be used after submitting form for check.
Where do you see that, which description? Maybe there is a misleading description we should remove.

This addon has an option to save the answers separately to the database. But as the description for that feature says, it is then your problem to have what you want. So with custom development you could achieve what you want using the entries in the database. This addon has no support for that.
I see.
I mistake, confused, default answer and correct answer, on this page
Thank you
Thank you sincerely for creating an excellent addon for XenForo.

For example, I would like to create a form for employees to request leave.

The start date can only be selected from the current date onwards, and cannot be a date in the past. The end date can only be selected from the start date onwards, and cannot be a date in the past relative to the start date.

What should I do?

I think this is default XF behaviour @hello2029 . Everywhere where date pickers are used it works like that.

Also, I don't understand your situation.

How can the employees request a leave for dates in the past?

Also how can an end date be in the past relative to the start date? It makes no sense. You can't have your start date as thursday and have the end day monday 3 days ago.
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