[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.4 Beta 6

No permission to buy ($30.00)
Use regex for the questions “Match regular expression” field.

Something like:
For between 2 and 10 words.

@Ozzy47 I'm planning to use this addon to register promotions on a specific node. So the user would need to answer the STORE, the ITEM and the PRICE.

I have seen that you have the hability to put the first answer to the title of the generated thread by the form.. buyt, is that possible to put more answers?

For example, the title of the thread would be: [STORE] ITEM - PRICE
Sorry for the late reply.



As you see you can set the title in different ways, which means multiple answers work aswell. But it is limited to those mentioned answer types only as you can read in the descriptions.

So in the example above the answers for question 4, 2 and 7 will be put in the title. And you can type additional characters you want like brackets, dashes or whatever you want.
Hi Guys!

I have a big issue: I want to do the following (two options, let me know which one is possible to do)

A) Create a "private" forum category and create a necessary form for it that users have to fill in if they want to participate. If they fail" they cant have access that category.
If they pass they can post or view the category.

B) Create a subdomain and a new Xenforo forum. I sync the login infos with Multisite system add-on. And I add a form that users have to fill in, if they pass they can participate in the subdomain's forum.

What do you think? Is it possible?
Thanks for the help
A) is possible, B) is maybe possible (depends on that addon).

It basically comes down to usergroups.

You can create forum categories which are private. You can set usergroups and say which usergroup can view it (or post). So say Registered usergroup has no access. But Usergroup B has access. That means if a user is promoted to Usergroup B, he can see it.

So, just create a form and go to promotion options. Like this:

In my example below people will be promoted to usergroup "Moderators", but you can set it to whatever you want.


And then you can approve or deny the user:


If you approve, the user will be promoted to that usergroup and that means he has the priviliges of that usergroup, such as viewing or posting in those private forums.

B) Is the same. It depends on if that addon allows "only usable by x usergroup". I think it is probably not possible but you have to ask them.
Couple issues

1) Selecting answer type "None - This is a header phrase" works initially in a conditional question but then you cant save the question a second time or the conditional data will lost and is missing from the question edit page as well.

2) Is there any way to have a button that shows the number of open forms and then brings you to a page where the applications can be viewed and approved/rejected?
1) That answer type is not supposed to work with conditional questions just like other answer types. Only answer types marked with a * do work.

2) What are open forms? When a form is submitted, it creates either a post, thread, e-mail or a conversation. It is not a different thing so it wouldn't have a special number displayed. Most of us use it to create threads.

What you can do is to have the created threads (or posts) be moderated automatically and voila you have your numbers in the approval queue.
1) That answer type is not supposed to work with conditional questions just like other answer types. Only answer types marked with a * do work.

2) What are open forms? When a form is submitted, it creates either a post, thread, e-mail or a conversation. It is not a different thing so it wouldn't have a special number displayed. Most of us use it to create threads.

What you can do is to have the created threads (or posts) be moderated automatically and voila you have your numbers in the approval queue.
Forum thing makes sense but it says the answer types marked with the * can only be used as conditional triggers. I'm not trying to use it as a conditional trigger, I'm trying to use it as a conditional question which I don't see why shouldn't be possible. It works fine when you first create the question too.
Forum thing makes sense but it says the answer types marked with the * can only be used as conditional triggers. I'm not trying to use it as a conditional trigger, I'm trying to use it as a conditional question which I don't see why shouldn't be possible. It works fine when you first create the question too.
I had to test it to see what you are talking about. I now see the problem. I initially thought you were trying to use it as a trigger, but you wanted to use it as the conditional question. So it will be displayed based on the answer of a question. And as you say for first time it works. But then the condition disappears.

Yes, I can confirm, it is a bug.

To demonstrate it for @Ozzy47


1st question is the trigger question.
2nd one is the conditional question with answer type None - This is a header phrase-
3rd one is the conditional question with answer type Date picker

As you see the 2nd question doesn't have the green text even though it should have it.

And when you visit both questions after they were saved, the 2nd question has lost its trigger.:

Hello there, I've been going around the add-on templates trying to find a way out to this idea I've got, which is the following;

Add placeholders to the questions, and an option for a text to appear after the form has been submitted, but this would only be a text and not a question with an expected answer. These placeholders would be similar to the {answer} function, though these could have any of the previous answers, just like the title which has {A1} {A2} {A3}, etc. So it would pretty much be to add these "{A1} {A2} {A3}" same placeholders to the questions and not just the title.

I am not aware if this is currently possible, but according to what I've been looking at, it isn't.
Is it possible to use this as a criteria/condition for group promotion criteria? i.e. a user who submits a specific form will be automatically promoted to a certain group.
Is it possible to use this as a criteria/condition for group promotion criteria? i.e. a user who submits a specific form will be automatically promoted to a certain group.
Yes, that is possible. There is "instant promote", so after submission of form the user is instantly promoted to the specified usergroup.

Or alternatively you can use "decision links" and a moderator/admin who has permission, can decide if that user should get promoted or not by clicking accept/deny.
For some reason route filters doesn't work on forms. Can you confirm this @Ozzy47?

I was trying to route this URL /form/exampleform.57/select to this /exampleform/ but nothing happens. Maybe i'm doing it wrong?
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