[OzzModz] Advanced Forms

[OzzModz] Advanced Forms [Paid] 2.2.4 Beta 6

No permission to buy ($30.00)
I can't seem to duplicate this.

Also, could you please send me a PC with the username of the owner of the add-on? I don't show you as owning either the XF1 or XF2 version.

And if you can, export your forms in XF1 and send me the exported XML so I can test it on my development server using your data.

Owner account is ---. Will PM you XF1 forms export
Snog updated Advanced Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.x Update 1.0.11

An update to Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account on my site to download this update.
  • Add - Filter trailing comma and empty values from expected answers for multiple choice questions.
  • Add - 'Required' below required questions.
  • Add - Optional form start/stop dates
  • Fix - Null error when upgrading from XF1 and a user defined in a form no longer exists
  • Remove - Forced centering of 'Agreement'...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Looks like the XF1 -> XF2 upgrade doesn't properly convert multiple recipients for reports?

Seems to expect User1,User2 but after the upgrade, it's User1;User2

(Usernames edited)
Looks like the XF1 -> XF2 upgrade doesn't properly convert multiple recipients for reports?

Seems to expect User1,User2 but after the upgrade, it's User1;User2

(Usernames edited)
Thanks for the report. It's not that it doesn't properly convert them, it's there is no conversion at all. They are just being left as is.

I'll fix that in the next release. But for now, just manually correct them in your forms.
The number spinbox question type was not displaying "Required" when the question had an error defined for it.

I've uploaded a patch (patch 1) to the download server to correct that problem. Login to your account on my site, download the patch, upload the files to your server and upgrade to the patched version.
Snog updated Advanced Forms with a new update entry:

Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.x Update 2.0.12

An update to Advanced Forms for XenForo 2.x has been released. Those that have purchased this add-on, please log into your account on my site to download this update.
  • Fix - PM Recipient delimiter not being changed to new delimiter during XF1 upgrade
  • Fix - Error when exporting forms when above or below forms sections contain URLs
  • Add - Default answer now shown in WYSIWYG answer type
  • Add - Error trap for fringe case where all answer types are text, and none are answered
  • Change -...

Read the rest of this update entry...
I tried putting {username} as default answer while using WYSIWYG editor as field, but it still shows as "{username}" when submitting the form, any chances something is missing or is it supposed to not parse variables intentionally?
I tried putting {username} as default answer while using WYSIWYG editor as field, but it still shows as "{username}" when submitting the form, any chances something is missing or is it supposed to not parse variables intentionally?
Yes, you did miss something...


Note the 'Single Line Text Questions'. Replacement variables are not available for the WYSIWYG field.
I would like to ask if any of the following features would be possible for your add-on:

• Possibility to have a list of similar threads appear when the user will start filling a given field (such as a field we'll use as title, or part of the title, of the thread he will create after submitting the advanced forms template, or if the user is filling a quick-reply advanced form)

• Possibility to have the user choose to fill a field with a dynamic dropdown having all the thread titles of a given forum node

• Possibility to parse the {username} variable when using the WYSIWYG field

• Possibility to have an invisible field (such as a field used only to build the title, which should only be used to generate the thread's title, and not appear again in the thread's content)

• Possibility for the user to select from a list of prefixes when filling the Advanced Form, without being forced to set a default one first, and then edit his thread accordingly.

• Possibility to have the advanced form re-appear when a user will try to edit a thread/post which has been generated by your add-on, so that he'll still have to follow the form fields.

Thank you.
I would like to ask if any of the following features would be possible for your add-on:

• Possibility to have a list of similar threads appear when the user will start filling a given field (such as a field we'll use as title, or part of the title, of the thread he will create after submitting the advanced forms template, or if the user is filling a quick-reply advanced form)

• Possibility to have the user choose to fill a field with a dynamic dropdown having all the thread titles of a given forum node
No, this would be excessive in forums where there are thousands of threads.

• Possibility to parse the {username} variable when using the WYSIWYG field
Probably not. The WYSIWYG field isn't meant to contain that info. It's meant for the user filling out the form to be able to format their response.

• Possibility to have an invisible field (such as a field used only to build the title, which should only be used to generate the thread's title, and not appear again in the thread's content)
No. There's no point to this. You can create the title already and having an 'invisible' field with predefined content is no different than just putting it directly in the title.

• Possibility for the user to select from a list of prefixes when filling the Advanced Form, without being forced to set a default one first, and then edit his thread accordingly.
This is already on the wish list.

• Possibility to have the advanced form re-appear when a user will try to edit a thread/post which has been generated by your add-on, so that he'll still have to follow the form fields.
No. There is no record kept for which form was used to create the thread/post. And there is no record kept of the answers used in a thread/post to place the answers back into a form.
No. There's no point to this. You can create the title already and having an 'invisible' field with predefined content is no different than just putting it directly in the title.

Any chances you could specify more in detail what you mean? Maybe I'm missing something, I didn't get what you mean here. Thank you for your fast reply btw :)
Any chances you could specify more in detail what you mean? Maybe I'm missing something, I didn't get what you mean here. Thank you for your fast reply btw :)
You want the title to be: "Application from {1} ABC"

You have a report title that says this: "Application from {1}"

You have an invisible field that says this: "ABC"

Appending that invisible field to the title would be exactly the same as simply making the title "Application from {1} ABC".

That would be true no matter where you wanted the invisible field to appear in the title.
Maybe this is where I'm stuck, how to make this Invisible field? Shall I remove the part

[B]{question}[/B] {answer}


"Report Format"

in order to make the field not appear in the thread if I want to use it only for the title?
Maybe this is where I'm stuck, how to make this Invisible field? Shall I remove the part

[B]{question}[/B] {answer}


"Report Format"

in order to make the field not appear in the thread if I want to use it only for the title?
You must provide a report format and it must contain both the {question} and {answer} variables.

You can do what you want by creating a custom BBCode where 'display' is set to 'none' and wrapping the report format in that BBCode.


Other than that, there is no way to do what you want. You've asked that a few times now and the answer hasn't changed.
You're right, I tried it in the past but the bbcode text was shown in the title, I didn't still try since the introduction of the "Report format" field. Thank you.
Checking "Watch new thread" from the add-on settings relative to the thread submission form doesn't seem to have any effects. I double checked it, whenever I start a new thread using Advanced Forms, altough "Watch new thread" is checked, I don't receive any emails/notifications of people replying into my thread.
Checking "Watch new thread" from the add-on settings relative to the thread submission form doesn't seem to have any effects. I double checked it, whenever I start a new thread using Advanced Forms, altough "Watch new thread" is checked, I don't receive any emails/notifications of people replying into my thread.
That's an oversight on my part. I'll fix it in the next release.
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