Now that Xenforo 1.1 is out, let's talk about version 1.2

Not open for further replies. user albums. Leave that to modifications or official addons.

I'd like to see a coupon system for the payments. Maybe even a way to show when prices have been reduced (say for the holiday season, showing the number crossed off and show the discounted number).

Also, I'd like to see what DigitalPoint suggested about adding the Paypal API to give our users more options, especially that of cancelling recurring payments through their user panel rather than going into paypal's confusing system.

Thought about the "User Albums" thing also, I did make use of it in vB3. But the difference between vBulletin and XenForo, you can display full-size images uploaded in threads with XF, don't think that could be done with vB and only had option to show small thumbnail sizes in threads. That does kind of makes "User Albums" less needed in a way, you being able to show full-size image uploads in XF threads. But would still like to see a User Albums option there, it means photo's uploaded are more organised (per member), rather than scattered across many different threads to go find - easy to quickly look at any members profile and see their public photo's uploaded.

That said, it would have to be better integrated than the user albums in vBulletin ever was. Maybe some little touches like last X-Public Album images pulled onto forum home, just extra things to make the User Albums better integrated and more useful as a whole. Always seemed hidden away in vB, you had to stumble across it to know it even had a user albums option there.
I believe there is a mod which replicates the user albums feature from vB. If memory serves me rightly there is even an importer attached to one of the posts in the discussion (of the resource)... sorry, i cant find the link atm but i'm sure it exists.
Hello Brogan,

i want start today a new project with xenforo or with the ip-board, can you tell me short: What is coming in the next 2-3 month, here on xenforo? i found no informations, about the next time ( i miss a roadmap)

sorry for my bad english.

I can't give you that information.

Other than what has been posted in the announcements forum, it's not for me to reveal upcoming features or release dates.
It's not even the planned "second quarter" yet, that only starts tomorrow on the 1st April. Until we hit the second quarter I really wouldn't expect to see anything released related to XenForo 1.2, not even an early release candidate for testing.

Hopefully once tomorrow comes though, we might soon hear something about "whatever" related to it. Even just some new tit-bits of information we can expect to see, think the suspense is killing everyone now to know more. :coffee:
Poll 1,000 users and 10% of them will say they want to write a blog.

Give that 10% a blog, get everything set up, and come back in 6 months. maybe 10 users will have written more than a "Hello" post or a few banal anecdotes about their cat.

It would take me ages to check out all blog entries and album pictures at my forum site for the last 6 months.

By the way, those two missing addons are the main reason why converting to xenforo is not an option for me and my users at this time.
This was not a reason for the deleted, I think it was just annoying

It reminds me of the way to make of Internet brands on ..

Being offtopic and having an answer to your question already isn't a good enough reason to have your post deleted?
clear words, i think. i as customer think the same. end of!

lol .. in all fairness .. it's not an entirely clear reply depending on the information someone might be looking for .. and more importantly .. it took a couple of months to get that answer and it currently resides on the 5th page of a closed discussion that has been pushed back to the 2nd page of this forum! ;)

I really agree that it isn't necessarily our business either though .. aside from those who know Kier well enough to really hope he is well (I don't have any personal interaction with him at all .. but I've followed these and vB's forum enough over the years to feel like I know him a bit .. and on that most important note I wish he is well)!

I also understand why we aren't getting more details .. frankly .. his personal life isn't our business.. if it's personal then it's just that .. or if it has something to do with the lawsuit then it's in their obvious interest not to discuss it openly until the matter is legally settled .. however .. what is our business is if he's gone long enough for it to affect the expected development of the product we've purchased (and who most of you are paying for ongoing support for). At the moment I think it's fair to say that there are no serious issues with xF as a product ... And as of yet Xen 1.2 isn't late at all as we've been told to expect to get our hands on a beta sometime before June 30th .. and more importantly to me personally .. that it will include a mobile skin (as I first paid for my xF to show my support .. but I'm still waiting to evaluate xF's mobile skin before choosing a final forum solution for restarting my forum) .. which is something that was told was coming for a very long time and is late in overall development compared to when most of us looking for it reasonably expected.

So I suggest everyone just take the unofficial official statement as I have to be:
(Feel MORE than free to correct me if you KNOW for sure the following to be wrong)

- Kier temporarily isn't around at the moment for non-xF related reasons .. but everything is still going according to plan on schedule and you can expect the first Beta of xF 1.2 on time with all the features (and likely more .. lol) that were told would be with it before the end of June 2012! *IF* the long term status of the development team changes (to me Mike and Kier are BOTH very important as a team), then an announcement with more details will be made on if/how it will affect the longer term development of xF!

That being said .. it would certainly be helpful to most here to get a little more information .. such as:
1. Now that Q2 is here can we get a slightly more refined/updated release of xF 1.2?
(even if it's something like "if all goes according to plan probably late May or early June")

More importantly to some a very fair question remains:
2. What is the status of the Resource Manager? Can we at least know if the release is planned before, at the same time, or after xF 1.2 goes beta .. or if it's really independent but to expect more information in the next x to y weeks or months, or won't be released until xF 1.2 is out of Beta/RCs)?

But no matter what I expect this final question to be answered:
3. What is the full detailed feature list for xF 7.0 and what the exact release date! ;)

PS .. It's not my intention to stir anything up with this post .. if anything it's just the opposite .. I'm getting a bit tired seeing the same old things over and over again .. and to be honest .. both sides need to remember that we're actually on the same side .. and that maybe if everyone communicated a little more clearly and were also a little more understanding .. then maybe we could avoid many of these sorts of discussions in the first place! :)
feldon30 said:
Poll 1,000 users and 10% of them will say they want to write a blog.

Give that 10% a blog, get everything set up, and come back in 6 months. maybe 10 users will have written more than a "Hello" post or a few banal anecdotes about their cat.
It would take me ages to check out all blog entries and album pictures at my forum site for the last 6 months.

By the way, those two missing addons are the main reason why converting to xenforo is not an option for me and my users at this time.
Even if XenForo spent 2 months writing a Blog addon, it won't be Wordpress.
FYI, as to the business case study :), XF was very smart to focus on core features - the forum! This was obviously done on purpose (hence the name!) and gives a clear path forward. If even 75% of forum owners need mostly forum (not blogs, galleries, etc.) then the business case says "do what you can do best".

For comparison the old forum that I just moved from, EE, made the exact opposite decision. When I adopted it back in 2003 it was one of the best for my needs. That continued for about 3-4 years, but eventually EE decided to put most of their resources where their money was, into the CMS. They pretty much gave up on the forum, although it is still sold...just not updated.

When pressed they admitted that only a tiny percentage of their users buy the module - I think it is close to 10% or less.

Their needs changed - and my needs changed. It turned out that our forum has seen a larger percentage of our site traffic each year - and now is really the main area.

In business it is often tempting to try to go for that "last sale" and have something to satisfy everyone....but it usually does not work out. It's my guess that the XF team has a big sign somewhere reminding them what they agreed to pursue, so they don't get caught up in the "I'll move to XF after they have a gallery" deal.....
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