Native Mobile Apps

Native Mobile Apps [Paid] 2023.04.22

No permission to buy ($149.00)
Can you upload attachments via phone app, like if I take a picture with my phone and want to post it? Same with videos.

Does the search function work within app?
@truonglv I am not totally clear on what color goes where when you talk about "Content using background-basic-color-1 for background color.":
Currently all screens in app will have 2 main blocks:
  • Navigation header
  • Content
  • Bottom bars
Navigation header using background-basic-color-1 for background color.
Content using background-basic-color-1 for background color.
Bottom bars using background-basic-color-3 for background color.

Other content (card, ...) using background-basic-color-2 for background color.
For common text in app using text-basic-color

Do you have like a screenshot that shows what is what exactly what you mean by "Content using background-basic-color-1 for background color." (and the rest of what you call "content (card,...)") by any chance?

Anyone running this in production that would be so kind as to share their forum/app name? You can PM me privately if you prefer. I'd love to get some feedback.
Anyone running this in production that would be so kind as to share their forum/app name? You can PM me privately if you prefer. I'd love to get some feedback.
I would love to see that as well.

I'm still not clear on what color goes where exactly, especially "Content using background-basic-color-1 for background color."
I would love to see that as well.

I'm still not clear on what color goes where exactly, especially "Content using background-basic-color-1 for background color."
Sorry it's bad explain cause my limit english skill. I will ask for someone to help this.
Do these apps include push alert notifications so when a user receives a new mention or a like on their posts, does it send a notification to their phone?
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