Musical Instruments

Sadly not even slightly musical.. instrument wise anyway, I like to think I can sing a bit :p

Probably dreaming though LOL.. but hey, who cares, I love it :D
Saxophone , almost any brass , every other instrument I just record and sample it for Acid and other software to make instrumental tracks for some artist friends of mine.
Saxophone is my fave. I love any form of freestyle - saxophone and freestyle go hand in hand.
After getting slightly musical over in Dragonfly's Delectable Discussions thread, I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone plays an instrument of some kind.
I teach music so I need to be at least functional on pretty much all instruments.

Sadly not even slightly musical.. instrument wise anyway, I like to think I can sing a bit :p
And I wish I could create visually. ;)

I forgot to mention, I have had a go at playing the... Triangle, alas it was too complicated for me.
Maybe you need to try a different angle. ;)

And triangle isn't so hard, you just have to know how to tinkle. :eek:

Actually 6. :cool:

The cool thing about a triangle is that you can play it like a hi-hat (as opposed to the traditional hit it once and let ring).
Hold it with the string between your thumb and 1st finger, close to, but not touching the triangle with your non-dominant hand.
Hold the beater in your dominant hand and use it to strike the triangle on the outside 'leg' of the triangle, opposite of the 'hole' (the portion where the triangle 'legs' do not connect).
Use the other fingers of your non-dominant hand (the one holding the triangle) to mute (stop the triangle from ringing).
You'll get a 'tick' sound. Then play with letting some notes ring and other notes muted.
Get down wit yo bad self and have fun! :D
The cool thing about a triangle is that you can play it like a hi-hat (as opposed to the traditional hit it once and let ring).
Hold it with the string between your thumb and 1st finger, close to, but not touching the triangle with your non-dominant hand.
Hold the beater in your dominant hand and use it to strike the triangle on the outside 'leg' of the triangle, opposite of the 'hole' (the portion where the triangle 'legs' do not connect).
Use the other fingers of your non-dominant hand (the one holding the triangle) to mute (stop the triangle from ringing).
You'll get a 'tick' sound. Then play with letting some notes ring and other notes muted.
Get down wit yo bad self and have fun! :D

See, complicated. Guitar is much, much easier.
I play the clarinet, and I'm also an operatically trained Baritone singer. Minoring in Music at the University, though my concentration for the minor is in Music Theory ;).
No drummers yet. That's surprising.

I did have a try a piano and I can play a bit but not much, the opening to bat out of hell is my limit with piano.

At Junior School, when I was 7 or 8, I did (get forced to) learn Violin but I hated it and soon flushed it from my memory. Damn that was roughly 20 years ago now, Christ.
I play Guitar and Bass. I've also had two years of Piano, and I'm working on my Drumming skills. I sing on occasion as well, though I'm not great at it.

Save for Piano, I'm self taught in all others.
I play guitar.

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