Link Directory (LD2) [Deleted]

Dang it!! I was planning to buy this one when we did our conversion....ugh.

Did you have to completely remove it? Wouldn't it be enough to state that it is currently unsupported and still allow people to purchase?

Or could you find someone else to help continut development temporarily?

I hope your health problems are not too severe, I imagine they had to be serious enough though in order to have to make this decision.
Did you have to completely remove it? Wouldn't it be enough to state that it is currently unsupported and still allow people to purchase?
To clarify, it is the policy on this site which is responsible for that.

We do not allow unmaintained/unsupported add-ons to be sold here (there have been complaints in the past regarding that, unsurprisingly).
au lait answered in the thread for his SEO addon. At the moment the best we can do is to keep calm and let him all the time he needs to mend and recover.

All the best for you, au lait!
Get better soon, health is the most important what we have in life.

At the moment we are in the process of updating our forum and we are instructed in using link directory, is there any other way to download and/or use it or do we have to sit this out?

Best wishes from bavaria!
Anyone have any issues after updating to 2.1 with the Link Directory? I'm planning to update my forum, but I am hoping the Link Directory will still work fine.
Anyone have any issues after updating to 2.1 with the Link Directory? I'm planning to update my forum, but I am hoping the Link Directory will still work fine.
As far as I know, no. Except LD2 has no reactions.

Best wishes from bavaria!
Greetings from Lake Constance

At the moment we are in the process of updating our forum and we are instructed in using link directory, is there any other way to download and/or use it or do we have to sit this out?
Write me
@51463 use this interim fix at your own risk.. It shouldn't cause issues and it works for me™

It only fixes the above issue, I'm not sure if there's other problems with the approval queue..?


$link->set('status_fails', $link->status_fails + 1);
Replace with:
$link->set('status_fails', $link->status_fails + 0);
Has anyone an idea how to import ld xf1 to xf2?
I can import only from ld2 1 beta to ld 1.0;
i have deinstalled ld2 1.0 and installed ld2 1 beta, but there is still no import from ld1.
Yes, I did and yes, as far as I remember there was an error in the final version, but beta importer worked after some tries.

This just as encouragement. I will check and test it again within next week, but somehow I managed.
I have imported the old tables into the new ones with two small scripts.
Thank you.

Do you work with the code itself? There are many things not done, so maybe some people could help each other to improve the addon.
Does anyone have any updates on this resource? I'd like to use it on a site, but if there is no further support, I will not use it.
I have the same problem. Xenmade had already announced a few months ago that a successor would take over its addons in 1-2 weeks. That was a long time ago, so far there is no news about it.

I really would like to use the LD on a site. I bought and downloaded the latest versions for xf1.5 and xf2 long time ago. But it's just not safe to start such an important function on the website if there is absolutely no support for bugs or possible extensions in sight. Sure, now it works, the users get used to it and then ... Who knows what is coming.

It would be great if @xenmade would give an update. But even the German community seems to have only question marks.
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