Keep getting kicked out of admin panel


Well-known member
Hello :),

I have a development website up and running, and for the first time I'm having issues on the admin panel. I've had other installations of XF running on the same hosting and haven't had issues.

Shared Hosting(Simple reseller)
I've tried the htaccess I think Andy ran into a similar problem, I have friendly urls enabled, and this part in my htaccess to make sure the www isn't an issue:

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^website\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]
    #    If you are having problems with the rewrite rules, remove the "#" from the

Of course my domain with the correct path.

Heath check passes fine, when I am logged out of the admin screen, I'll go to another tab, pull up the site and will still be logged in fine on the site.

The log outs are completely random, I'll be working on templates, next click BAM, logged out, I usually have to log back in 3 times for the admin panel to even open again(it just refreshes the login page a few times usually).

Thanks ahead of time, didn't want to piggy back off that thread here
You haven't password protected your admin.php with .htpasswd via .htaccess have you? I've seen people complain of similar behaviour when they do this.
You haven't password protected your admin.php with .htpasswd via .htaccess have you? I've seen people complain of similar behaviour when they do this.

I originally had the entire directory password protected, then when I noticed the behavior I thought it was linked to it so I removed it a few days ago, still happening.

Hey Jake, read through that thread before I posted this one but still having issues.

Step 1.) Admin CP -> Home -> Options -> User Options -> Online Status Timeout

This one is sort of void since I will be actively working on the website and then all of a sudden be logged out of JUST admin panel.

Step 2.)A problem with cookie scope due to inconsistent forum links.

I added the Rewrite condition to the htaccess and have friendly urls enabled

Step 3.) "REMOTE_ADDR" - shows my correct ip

Step 4.) don't have any APC/ memcache installed on the server nor am I able to get it on my current hosting plan.

Any other ideas at all?
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