XF 2.1 Forum layout is broken


Hello Xenforo community, I have had a forum for 5 years and nothing similar has ever happened. Curiously, it has also happened in another forum (with both licenses)

Captura de pantalla 2022-11-01 164059.png
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This is happening to many Xenforo websites with all different hosts to be a coincidence, can we get an official word from staff on why this is happening? Has Xenforo been compromised? Should we submit tickets?
Guys my suggestion is that to speak with your hosting provider. I am sure it is a setup from them.
It happen to me today and they solve my problem.
Check your mod security logs, mine are filled with errors like these:
[Tue Nov 01 11:21:52.059192 2022] [error] [client 2603:8081:2600:8264::1009] ModSecurity: Access denied with code 403, [Rule: 'ARGS:k' '@eq bf0b1ced7505c16f7a921ef36c780a6e'] [id "77350134"] [msg "IM360 WAF: Block malware interaction||SC:/home/mysite/public_html/css.php||T:LITESPEED||"] [severity "CRITICAL"] [tag "service_i360"] [hostname "www.mysite.com"] [uri "/css.php?css=public%3Anotices.less%2Cpublic%3Aextra.less&s=3&l=1&d=1666978256&k=bdedae78c41ab6270086e81a2ea4bb5255be0d39"], referer: https://www.mysite.com/
Has Xenforo been compromised? Or what does this mean?

I wonder if this is an update to mod security rules (Rule: 'ARGS:k') that don't play nice with Xenforo?
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Check your mod security guys, I think i have pinpointed it down to it, I just went and disabled it and re-enabled it and it brought my site back up. I don't recommend disabling it, but for a test see if it fixes your site, maybe we can narrow it down until we hear an official word from Xenforo on this.
Yes, @MattW was very quick off the mark with this.

Baby Thank You GIF
I had the same issue causing a false positive and had to add the following exceptions to .htaccess for a temporary fix.

<LocationMatch "/">
SecRuleRemoveById 77317957
SecRuleRemoveById 77350134
SecRuleRemoveById 77316797
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