XF 1.0 File Upload and Image Placement Using Quick Reply

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Everybody loves quick reply. Most forum software has implemented it in some form these days, but it tends to be lacking some functionality that means you often have to drag yourself back to the full editor page to achieve what you want, especially when it comes to attaching files to your messages.

XenForo allows you to upload files and place uploaded images into your posts right from the quick reply box when you're viewing a thread, you can then submit your message and it will be added to the discussion instantly.

... without ever leaving the page or opening a separate browser window.

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I suggest you view this video at full-size by clicking the full-screen gadget in the bottom-right of the video.
Oh wow, that's cool as hell. It always really irritated me how you couldn't place the images next to the pertinent text.
The only thing to make it perfect would be to not display the images in the bottom of the post if they're being displayed as thumbnails or full size in the post already, though I'm not sure if this is possible. There might be a suggestion thread already about it (I think I did read it).

Otherwise I love the way the Quick Reply is thought out. :D
Woohaa! Nice, nice!
You couldn't do better than this matey! You maybe can, but it's not necessary :)

Btw: So now we finally hear your voice :)

Now if we are just able to add custom BBCode to the editor, quick reply will be complete ;)

Why is that?
Amazing !!
If only we could choose to upload multiple images at once... :)
It can get very time consuming to upload 10+ images (10+ extra clicks).
The only thing to make it perfect would be to not display the images in the bottom of the post if they're being displayed as thumbnails or full size in the post already, though I'm not sure if this is possible. There might be a suggestion thread already about it (I think I did read it).

Otherwise I love the way the Quick Reply is thought out. :D

I completely agree. If this can be solved, then it it simply perfect. I am sorry (no, I am not :p), but for people who are familiar with vBulletin: do you remember how adding attachments work? The paperclip icon in the wysiwyg-editor.... I should make a video myself for this, because let me tell you that compared to xenForo even the vB3.8 UI on this is far behind when it comes to easy of use (especially for novice/new users). vBulletin became too bloated, too complicated (even the vB3.8 series) in certain areas and this xenForo is just sooo refreshing. I am a sucker for good UI's and xenForo just is amazing in this area. It makes me happy. :)
And when I'd finished watching it ......... there was a cup of tea made for me ...... which was nice !
I completely agree. If this can be solved, then it it simply perfect. I am sorry (no, I am not :p), but for people who are familiar with vBulletin: do you remember how adding attachments work? The paperclip icon in the wysiwyg-editor.... I should make a video myself for this, because let me tell you that compared to xenForo even the vB3.8 UI on this is far behind when it comes to easy of use (especially for novice/new users). vBulletin became too bloated, too complicated (even the vB3.8 series) in certain areas and this xenForo is just sooo refreshing. I am a sucker for good UI's and xenForo just is amazing in this area. It makes me happy. :)
Removing the post-bottom thumbnails if they have been attached is on the todo list, our approach makes it a little challenging however, so we have given it a low priority at present, while we work on more important functionality.
And when I'd finished watching it ......... there was a cup of tea made for me ...... which was nice !

Wait, we're supposed to get a cup of tea at the end of this? I didn't get mine... :(

Removing the post-bottom thumbnails if they have been attached is on the todo list, our approach makes it a little challenging however, so we have given it a low priority at present, while we work on more important functionality.

Good news!
Awesome. :)
Only two things to make it perfect:
1- The ability to select/upload multiple images at once.
2- The ability to hide the post-bottom thumbnail.
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