Ebay Parser [Deleted]


Something must have happened with this add-on with the latest version of XenForo and I just noticed it. The Amazon Parser add-on has the same problem, Both the eBay Parser ALL and Amazon Parser ALL add-ons still work when you run them manually, but these basic ones that are supposed to update the links when posts are saved are no longer working. For some reason, they have started converting the words eBay and Amazon in posts to links only that go directly to those sites, but they are no longer updating the links to items. I’ve tried uninstalling and reinstalling the add-ons, but no change.

I see where you updated them last month on June 8th, but they are not working.

Hi Andy. I just installed this and went to eBay and clicked on several random links. The links did not convert when I posted them to my forum. The same links convert fine with Ebay Parser All. Any thoughts? I verified Ebay Parser is installed, options configured, and tried reinstalling (upgrade), and uninstalling/reinstalling, and installing 2.0 - none worked. This is on Xenforo 1.15a. Thanks!
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Hi Andy. I just installed this and went to eBay and clicked on several random links. The links did not convert when I posted them to my forum. The same links convert fine with Ebay Parser All. Any thoughts? I verified Ebay Parser is installed, options configured, and tried reinstalling (upgrade), and uninstalling/reinstalling, and installing 2.0 - none worked. This is on Xenforo 1.15a. Thanks!
Interestingly, if I edit a post, it works. It just doesn't work for new posts.
Same problem for me : liinks are not converted with Ebay parser but they are correctly converted with Ebay parser all (XF 1.5.9)
Same problem for me : liinks are not converted with Ebay parser but they are correctly converted with Ebay parser all (XF 1.5.9)
This turned out to be because eBay Parser does not support "Convert URLs to Page Titles" Search Engine Optimization (SEO) option.
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