[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

[DigitalPoint] App for Cloudflare®

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There are hundreds of web hosting choices and you have chosen the more limited hosting compared with others :rolleyes:
Is that supposed to be helpful? I will be moving to dedicated server in about a month.. Old server was getting slammed by hackers. I had very limited time to respond and no access to root. Old VB server was on last leg, was running old php and apache, and I had 1 day to move 20 years of forum since I was not about to upgrade the old server software. Cloud was the path of least resistance. In a few hours, i had an installed xenforo forum to move to as a safe zone, complete the migration and then will restore to a new dedicated server.

so..whats a solution for now.
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I just selected the date preset "All time" on the charts page (/admin.php?analytics/charts) and was greeted with the following exception:

InvalidArgumentException: start_date = 1995-01-01 must be greater than 2015-08-13 and less than 3000-01-01. in src\addons\DigitalPoint\Analytics\GoogleApi\AbstractApi.php at line 31
  1. DigitalPoint\Analytics\GoogleApi\AbstractApi->makeApiCall() in src\addons\DigitalPoint\Analytics\GoogleApi\Data.php at line 14
  2. DigitalPoint\Analytics\GoogleApi\Data->runReport() in src\addons\DigitalPoint\Analytics\Repository\Reporting.php at line 159
  3. DigitalPoint\Analytics\Repository\Reporting->runReport() in src\addons\DigitalPoint\Analytics\Repository\Reporting.php at line 298
  4. DigitalPoint\Analytics\Repository\Reporting->getChart() in src\addons\DigitalPoint\Analytics\Admin\Controller\Analytics.php at line 95
  5. DigitalPoint\Analytics\Admin\Controller\Analytics->actionCharts() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 352
  6. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchClass() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 258
  7. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchFromMatch() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 115
  8. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->dispatchLoop() in src\XF\Mvc\Dispatcher.php at line 57
  9. XF\Mvc\Dispatcher->run() in src\XF\App.php at line 2487
  10. XF\App->run() in src\XF.php at line 524
  11. XF::runApp() in admin.php at line 13
The Google API doesn’t allow you to go back beyond 2015. The workaround is to set the date to be in a valid date range. For the next version, I’ll make it do that automatically.
you will have to wait until you move to your dedicated server.
yeah..started figuring that was gonna be the case .. Plan on finishing up all the tweaks on xenforo cloud then moving over. Got on last night to my previous provider(liquid web) and checked out their deals. Didnt seem bad at all. Anyone have a favorite recommendation for good hosting at decent price points. Forum pretty big. 267,000+ members, 5mil posts.
Hello, I'm currently using backblaze b2 > cloudflare. I just came across this. Is the migration from b2 to r2 straight foward and just change the configuration? ie: copy data from b2 upload to r2 and change config.php to point to r2?

My Cloudflare setup is pretty dialed in already. Is it fair to assume that the API keys will read the current existing configuration?
No idea about backblaze, sorry. There’s no config.php options for R2, so most likely going to be different than making changes there.
Sorry I'm using the Xenforo Addon for S3/DigitalOcean for S3 compatibility. Is there documentation on how to setup the r2 bucket and integrate with the add on? I think i'll reset my current config and start fresh.

I might not be seeing the install doc. I've got the api and have statistics. Thank you for this resource. It saves me a few steps going back and forth. I take it the s3 api's are already included in this module?
You enable R2 in settings. There are no S3 things or config.php file changes. Do you have a specific question or issue you are running in to? You might just be trying to complicate things because other things you used are more complicated…
You enable R2 in settings. There are no S3 things or config.php file changes. Do you have a specific question or issue you are running in to? You might just be trying to complicate things because other things you used are more complicated…
You're right. Yours is significantly more straight forward to install.

Does the internal_data directory require a domain or does it end up sharing the one from data?
You're right. Yours is significantly more straight forward to install.

Does the internal_data directory require a domain or does it end up sharing the one from data?
There is no public domain for internal_data (it's internal afterall). Normally with XenForo, the only thing that accesses the internal_data area is the application itself (which it can do via APIs if you are using R2). For example, say a request comes in for an attachment... it still goes to the normal /attachment/ route on your normal site, the application (XenForo) does permission checks to make sure the user making the request has permissions to view it, if they do, then the application fetches the attachment and sends it to the user. It's the same way it works if you were to use the local filesystem for internal_data things (user's don't access the internal_data directory directly).

TL;DR: the data folder is public and has a publicly accessible domain, the internal_data folder is not intended to be publicly accessible, so there's no public domain for that bucket.
Also, the addon will more or less will configure everything via API if you let it (including public domain for data bucket). If the addon isn't doing something (for example creating a public domain for the internal_data bucket), there's going to be a reason it's not doing it. So it's probably best to ask why it's not doing something you think it should be doing (for anything really). If you are running into a situation where you think something needs to be done manually, ask first... because you probably don't need to do whatever that is. :)
I managed to adjust settings and send my forum into the a redirect to some security advisor. Great.

Messing with stuff I had no need to.
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What settings?
Was on the settings page, going though all the setting it seems when I clicked on full encryption it changed something somewhere and I started getting sent to some other website and had to remove the addon, clear my cache. THis is the second time I tried this and it happened both times.
So refreshing my site would send me to - Abdul Wahab – Infomation Security Analyst and if I typed my domain name into the address bar it would send me to the same thing, I am not sure where it happens either server side or cloudflare side but it hijacks my dns.

Hmmm… Strange because uninstalling the addon really shouldn’t do anything in that scenario (the settings are set on Cloudflare, not locally on your server). So uninstalling the addon should only remove your ability to change setting on your Cloudflare account (it won’t revert any Cloudflare settings you set).

That being said, do you have a specific reason you are changing your Cloudflare encryption settings? It’s not uncommon for changing those to end up putting your site in a redirection loop since the encryption state for the user and your server are different (if your server is setup to redirect http to https, it can be a problem for example).

In your case, maybe your backend web server isn’t setup to serve https (do you actually have a valid ssl certificate installed on your web server for your domain)? Full encryption means Cloudflare is validating the ssl certificate in your web server and it needs to be valid as far as an authoritative certificate entity issued it for your domain (not just a self signed one).
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