Convert Image

Convert Image 5.6

No permission to download
I tried to install this with no luck. I downloaded the files, uploaded the library files, installed the XML file and then configured it. I then went to my host and found an area where they allow you to install RPMs. So I notice there's like 6 lines that say ImageMagik but a couple of them are dupes. Its like ImageMagic ++ twice, then ImageMagic ++ dev or deve, I forget, then ImageMagic Perl... so I install ImageMagic Perl and that goes fine. So I test the plugin and nothing. And I get no errors, just nothing happens at all. So I check the log file and its empty. So then I go back to my host and install ImageMagic ++ and repeat and it still doesn't work.

Any ideas?
Hi Andy,

Is this ok to run on a 2m post forum, I've no idea how many images are linked but it will be a lot. Should it be done in batches? Cheers
Is there any way that it can be fixed to not break image links? So if I do
When it converts the image link to an attachment, it breaks the URL and I have to edit the post and put the URL tags in again outside the attach tags.
Could someone help with diagnosing why this isn't working for me please?
I've installed the latest version v4.8, I have ImageMagick v6 installed, I've created the temp dir and logging file, set their paths and set their permissions, but nothing's happening... No errors, no issues highlighted, no hotlinks converted to attachments.

edit - all sorted now and working great. [bd] attachment store was causing problems so I've removed that and it's all processing nicely now :)
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Is there any way that it can be fixed to not break image links? So if I do
When it converts the image link to an attachment, it breaks the URL and I have to edit the post and put the URL tags in again outside the attach tags.

Any word on this? No way to use image links with this plugin.
When we link to an external image on our old message board or on many other sites, the URL is not really a hot link, but rather a script reference that displays the image. Will the add on work if there is no .jpg or .png or other image file identifier in the URL?

The references that look like this are not working.
The first link produce an error.
Did not show up as an picture at all.

ErrorException: Fatal Error: imagecreatefromjpeg(): gd-jpeg: JPEG library reports unrecoverable error: Not a JPEG file: starts with 0x3c 0x21 - library/Andy/ConvertImage/DataWriter.php:122

The second link is converted to an attachment.
The f=jpg in the query string may cause it all to work. The issue I do not understand is how a request to a server via POST to provide an image is the same as a hot link whether or not you wrap it in an IMG BBcode.
The @teletubbi experience gave the clue to solve this. This type of error occurs when the hot linked image URL is a request for service that uses permissions. Only the poster (or others with the same permissions on the remote server) will be able to see the image in the post. It is not possible to convert it, since the XenForo system execution account does not have the permissions.

This causes the conversion of the offending image to error out and the conversion of hot links in the post stops because of the error. The only recourse is to open the site serving the image to not require permissions to serve the image.
Host just upgraded to PHP 7.1.

Now I get these errors when I try to post with a linked image (using the latest version of your plugin):

IMG link error.webp

I think that means PHP 7.1 needs to be re-compiled with the ImageMagick option... is that correct? Or is your add-on not compatible with PHP 7.1?

If I save the linked image and then upload it from my drive, it posts just fine.
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