Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.0

No permission to buy (€29.99)
Set display mode to "Chat page only" and unset user group permission "Change display mode" (if you have set it).
Set display mode to "Chat page only" and unset user group permission "Change display mode" (if you have set it).

awesome. one more question, I only want a user count displayed in the tab when the user count is greater than 0. Can you tell me where I can change that? the red 0 is not good on my style.
There is no option for that. You can change the color from the chat style properties.
what about disable the time stamp (at least in mobile mode) and is there a refresh rate setting? 5 minutes after a user leaves, he is showing still in the room. Thanks again for your help. It's a really nice app.
Add in extra.less template:

@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveNarrow)
          display: none !important;

Refresh rate is in admin options but users are refreshed with a delay to improve performance but it doesn't take that long.
Go to siropu_chat_room_message_row template.

And replace:
<xf:date time="{$message.message_date}" class="siropuChatDateTime" />
<span class="siropuChatDateTime">{{ date($message.message_date) }}</span>
@Siropu Is there a way to stop an Administrator from idling out in Chat? I keep a chat window open on my desk all day to be available, but I don't like having to type a "." to stay active. I only need this for Admins. Can it be done? Thanks!

Basically what I am asking for is:

Admin active status timeout: [Unlimited] or Minutes
Admin idle status timeout: [Unlimited] or Minutes

I don't want to share this setting with Users. I want them to time out not me.
I understand what are you asking but that's not possible currently and there are no plans to change that atm.
I understand what are you asking but that's not possible currently and there are no plans to change that atm.

Please consider adding this feature at least for the Super Admin/User ID 1 ... I keep a chat window open on the desktop to be available for my users and I keep timing out if I don't remember to type some keystroke every whatever minutes. my username should always show as active and available. Thanks!
Is there an install guide or manual? I'm having issues. I installed the add-on and set permissions on the admin and registered users group. All i get is the Private conversations window when i click on Chat in the navigation bar. Documentation would help but i can not find it on your site.
Is there an install guide or manual? I'm having issues. I installed the add-on and set permissions on the admin and registered users group. All i get is the Private conversations window when i click on Chat in the navigation bar. Documentation would help but i can not find it on your site.

make sure Enable Rooms is checked in the options.
See attached. What am i doing wrong? Is there documentation?


  • chat1.webp
    11.9 KB · Views: 17
  • chat2.webp
    38.5 KB · Views: 17
  • chat3.webp
    17.1 KB · Views: 16
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