[bd] Alerts [Deleted]

This add-on is pretty well designed and it works flawlessly without many changes. I have it running on xfrocks.com (1.5) and a few other sites running latest version of XenForo (1.5.8). Actually, there is a minor update last Thursday on xfrocks.com FYI.

Thanks for the fast reply. I am sure this might help others take a second look at this as well. I will check it out on the site too.
Can't find this option:

3. Sending tool in AdminCP > Tools > Send Alerts with User Criteria filtering, continue from previous session ability and detail report.

Would be nice if we could use it to send birthday alerts.
Ah, i see you can select if it is members birthday ;) But i would have to do it manual each day :p Automatic would be nice.
Hey @xfrocks. Do you have any sort of ETA on when you'll be porting this add on to XenForo 2? Probably one of the only things I miss on XenForo 2 right now
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