Affiliate success depends on authenticity

I had Sovrn request the same of me a few months ago. I added at the bottom of the page and as said above, it wasn't good enough. The disclosure had to be "above the fold." OK, then. I had a (now-deleted) part of the site that used an RSS feed to retrieve new listings that matched certain criteria that was of interest to our members, creating a new thread for each result, and added the notice at the bottom of those posts (using the signature of my 'eBay feed' member). Still not good enough. It had to be above the content.

At that point I gave up and ignored the rest of the emails. The first couple of emails mentioned I would be removed from the eBay program if I didn't comply and at that point, given how little of the overall revenue came from eBay, I figured I'd let them remove me. I'm not turning any of my sites into eBay Junior for eBay's amusement. All they did was lose a lot of inbound links we were generating for them. Their loss, not ours. Their affiliate program has turned into a joke, compared to what it used to be.
So did they remove you from their program?
No idea--income from Sovrn has dropped to a small fraction of what it used to be over the years, so I take the pennies I get and don't even bother logging in there anymore. Honestly they were better and easier to deal with when they were still on their own as Viglink (and just as I predicted). Sovrn's "marketing" email pushes hard towards posting ads on a site or self-promoting links heavily, something we will never do.

If they removed me from the eBay program, I wouldn't be upset. I rarely use eBay as a buyer and am opposed to using them as a seller, so good riddance if they do dump me from it. If they ask again, I'll simply tell them I'm not interested in promoting eBay, and to do what they wish.
What type of ads are you wanting on your page?
what genre is your forum?
I ask this because bigfooty forum has similar problems. They use ads but they get some innapropriate ones that are disturbing and stops their rules from working properly.
Recently had similar via ebay directly.
Did anyone find a solution to post the affiliate disclosure only when affiliate / ebay links are shared ?
This is mine. Passed EBay, Amazon, Skimlinks, etc. I show to everyone, not one member has commented/noticed.

FRANKLY, you could filter this to non-registered users and the afilliates won't be the wiser. Then zero of your members see it.affiliate.webp
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