Theme Usage Information

Unmaintained Theme Usage Information 1.5.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
Visible branding
This is a simple add-on that allows admin's to see how many users are using each of the installed themes on your site.

As of 1.5, there are some new options in there allowing more specific results




  1. Download the zip file.
  2. Extract its contents to your hard drive.
  3. Upload the contents of the upload folder to the root of your XenForo installation.
  4. Complete install via the Admin CP using the provided XML file.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 14 ratings

More resources from MattW

Latest updates

  1. Bug Fix

    Bug fix when initially installed as no option set for getGroupInfo() function
  2. Option to show usage per group

    This update adds an extra set of options to only show theme usage per usergroup. It will show...
  3. User Last Activity Option

    This update adds an option to specify when the users were last active for the stats on the...

Latest reviews

Excellent. This was exactly what I was looking for. Works for XF 1.4.5 +1
Just what I needed
Very convenient. Should be core.
Great! I was bummed that Xenforo didn't have this as a core feature, so I was happy when someone pointed me to this very useful addon. Thanks for this!
Your brilliant hands make simply miracle!
the little things in life are often the best - like this!
Should be a default. Nice Work.
Excellent addon .. Thank you
Simple but yet perfect!
What I always wanted (seriously). Thank you for developing this.
You are very welcome :-)
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