Register users to WordPress

Register users to WordPress 1.1

No permission to download
Compatible XF 2.x versions
  1. 2.1
  2. 2.2
Additional requirements
WordPress 5.0+ must be installed on same server as XenForo 2.1+
A simple XenForo addon that registers users to your WordPress website with the same username, email, and password as entered during XF registration. This addon covers:
  1. Frontend XF registration
  2. Manual user creation from XF admin > Users > Create new
  3. Connected accounts: Register WP user with random password, email password reset link
For convenience, each new WordPress user is marked with a special from_xf flag in the user's profile meta.

Accessible through get_user_meta( $wp_user_id );

Bonus: If your WordPress site uses XFtoWP 1.5+, newly created WP users will be easily manageable via the plugin's interface and custom user fields will be synced to the new user after registration is captured.

XFtoWP is NOT required to use this addon.


Setup instructions
  1. Download the zip file and install the addon to your XenForo admin panel
  2. Mark as active, and go to the addon's settings
  3. Enter the file path to the root folder of your WordPress website
  4. Done, test your first registration
Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 10.59.49 AM.png

Don't know your WP site's filepath?

Install this helper plugin to your WordPress site to print the filepath to the top of your website. Make sure you delete the plugin immediately after you copy the filepath.

Credit to @gigipmc for masterfully developing this addon.
First release
Last update


4.50 star(s) 4 ratings

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  1. Register users who sign up through Connected Accounts

    When an XF user registers through a "Connected Account" option such as social media, a random...

Latest reviews

it creates the account but if user changes their password,etc
this does not sync.. So the plugin can create confusion.
Thank you for the review! Changing user passwords afterwards is outside the scope of this addon. It is possible to keep user password changes in sync with the XFtoWP plugin on the WordPress side.
Hello everyone
many thanks to @kolakube for this addon, much needed, and free
Thank you very much, I had been waiting for something like this for a long time, I have tried other solutions (even paid) and none of them worked
I think that other developers, or xenforo itself, should include a simple integration of user synchronization with other tools such as wordpress of origin with the system and not have to depend on addons for everything
great job
Thank you for the positive review and I hope you are able to get great results with your new user registration flow.
Nice and simple, thumbs up. Have been looking for this for a while. There should be more Wordpress integration add-ons
Thank you for the review! Between this addon and XFtoWP, I am always looking for new integration ideas.
I posted a longer review in kolakube's main XFtoWP addon but specifically for this one:

With Register New Users to WordPress our site works exactly as we've wanted since migrating to Xenforo. Users can register in the forum (I prefer its registration over WP) and that info is sent to WP so now a user can easily log in on either site with the same credentials.
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