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Unmaintained MetaMirror 1.6.1

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Minor bug fix for rare cases when older external PNG files had been corrupted, causing MetaMirror to get stuck on that file.

Specifically fixes the server error "exif_imagetype(): PNG file corrupted by ASCII conversion", and will correctly handle similar errors.
Added an option (off by default) to flag broken IMG links with a message, and convert the IMG tags to URL tags. Example result:

[Broken External Image]:

Use with caution. Some (rare, for me) images that might embed fine are not fetched correctly by curl, presumably because of some kind of hotlink protection (which is kind of backwards, as hotlinks work).
One such image being:
Giving a 403 error.

To flag images in an existing MetaMirror install, you will need to Flush Flags in the MetaMirror Tester (see attached image)

Once it has run, you can find broken images with the Post Content Find / Replace tool:

Quick Find: Broken External
Regular Expression: #\[B\]\[Broken External Image\]\[\/B\]:\[URL\]([^\[]+)\[/URL\]#siU
(Don't click Save Changes here, unless you want to erase all the broken images).


  • MetaMirror Rehosting Test Tool | Admin CP - Metabunk 2013-12-29 09-58-04.webp
    MetaMirror Rehosting Test Tool | Admin CP - Metabunk 2013-12-29 09-58-04.webp
    39.7 KB · Views: 89
- Fixed sig images ignoring flag on instant rehosting
- Added option to rehost images used resources with Resource manager (cron only)
- Added option to shrink and scramble file names

The fix is for the bug identified today, where sig images were instantly rehosted on sig edit regardless of settings.

The new options are basically the patches that were discussed in previous posts. The new options are:

Options: MetaMirror Image Reshosting | Admin CP - Metabunk 2013-11-16 12-06-05.webp

Note the resource rehosting only works via the cron job and test tool. I can't do instant rehosting, as I have no way of testing it.
If you had XF installed in a non-root directory, like /forums or /community then the link given to the post in the test tool would be wrong.

This was more of an annoyance than anything, and did not affect the actual functionality of the tool. If you've already done the tests and started things running then there's no need to update.
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Reactions: DRE and Adam Howard
- Optimized SQL query to speed up on very large forums
- Logging of corrupt URLs

This minor update is recommended for all users, but particularly it you have any performance issues and have a large number of posts (>100K).
As the Xenforo attachment system cannot handle filenames longer than 100 bytes, all file names are truncated to 100 bytes.

If they were over 100 bytes, the last 32 bytes are replaced by the md5 of entire string, for uniqueness.

If you have been using this previously with attachments, then you should use the testing tool to flush the flags, as many files with long names may not have been rehosted.

Instant rehosting seems to work fine, so you can just let the cron job handle the old files, and any new files will be instantly rehosted.
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Reactions: DRE and MasterPiece
Instant rehosting was not checking for excluded nodes. Now they do.
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Reactions: DRE and MasterPiece
- Fix for attachements with no image extension (detect type and append extension)
- Editing a post or sig now flags it for re-processing to rehost any new images
- Option to instantly rehost images as soon as a post is created or edited. On by default.
- Fix for missing exif_filetype function
- Fix for server errors when disabled but cron job still running
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Reactions: DRE and MasterPiece
- Added option to use attachments insteda of file system
- Added option to limit file size
- Added option to add info to altered posts

See attached image


  • Options_ MetaMirror Image Reshosting | Admin CP - Metabunk-1.webp
    Options_ MetaMirror Image Reshosting | Admin CP - Metabunk-1.webp
    76.7 KB · Views: 108
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