FontAwesome Icons in Visitor Tab & Account Wrapper

Unmaintained FontAwesome Icons in Visitor Tab & Account Wrapper

Reviews 4.94 star(s) 17 reviews

Really makes it looked finished :)
Amazing idea!!! Looks so good it's beyond description :)! thank you again!!!
How to improve your experience in xenForo, FontAwesome Icons !
This makes a big difference!
Another excellent addition to making my forum look better. Thanks!
Loving this.
Thanks Very cool modification love it
This is awesome icons that make the site much more attractive, specially in retina devices.
This is great for making a forum unique. I have been looking for icons for xfPortal and xfArticle, this site has a great license in place. Highly recommend follow Matthew's tutorial for setting this up on your own forum.
Matthew Hawley
Thanks for your kind words and my 10th review! :D
Awesome resource. Definitely a great addition to every board out there.
Matthew Hawley
Thanks for the kind word!
Little edits such as these can easily transform your forum and make it your own. Excellent addition, simple to implement and maintain. Thanks for adding to the Resources Matthew.
Matthew Hawley
Thanks so much! :D
Awesome modification.
Very nice edit!
Neat addition... but using TMS with Social Beta 2 installed I could not get the edits to take. Ended up removing Social Beta to do this. Will still play around and see if I can get it to work with TMS and Social both.
Awesome man!
Thanks for this!
Looks much better this way.
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