Digital Point Push Notifications

Digital Point Push Notifications 1.0.0

No permission to buy ($100.00)
Compatible XF 1.x versions
  1. 1.2
  2. 1.3
  3. 1.4
Additional requirements
- You need a valid SSL certificate for your website***
- Unix/Linux type web server***

***The above two requirements aren't necessary if you are a Digital Point premium member (you are able to utilize our HTTPS servers for your endpoints).

- PHP needs OpenSSL extensions compiled into it
- You need access to an Apple Developer account
Visible branding
Note: This is listed as $100, which is the price of this item as well as premium membership ($75 is the price if you are already a premium member).

This addon will turn XenForo notices into push notifications and send them to user's Mac OS X 10.9+ computers/Notification Center without them needing be on your site or even have a browser open. It will send XenForo's Conversation notices (the notices you normally get in the Inbox pop-up menu in the navigation) as well as XenForo Alerts (things that show up under the Alerts pop-up menu).

It will send push notifications for non-standard alerts as well (alerts generated by 3rd party addons).

Currently this only works for end users using OS X 10.9 or higher when they visit the site at least once with Safari (at some point hopefully Apple opens up the technology to iPhone, iPad and iPod devices as well, but currently it does not work on iOS).

  • Utilizes XenForo's Deferred system for handling the actual sending of the push notices to Apple's servers (doesn't slow down the user that performed the action that triggered the notices).
  • A daily process contacts Apple's servers to get a list of invalid device IDs you have been sending notices to (typically this is caused when a device that accepted notices at some point goes out of service). The system automatically removes the invalid devices from the system.
  • Daily stats are logged (for "active push devices" as well as "push messages sent" each day). These will show up in the normal XenForo statistics area.
  • API issues are logged to XenForo's normal server log.
  • Comes with tool to ease public/private key and certificate generation. Includes tool to generate (and properly name) various sized icon images you need for your push package.




First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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Awesome resource. Really great for people using OSX Mavericks. Hopefully Apple opens this feature up to iOS devices soon.
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