[Andrew] Banned Users List

[Andrew] Banned Users List 1.2.0

No permission to download
FIXED: Fixed syntax used to display only date and not include time
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Reactions: Dkf
  • Added recent ban widget with controls on numbers of entries to show and whether to hide users banned for spam
  • Removed unused code left in template that made add-on incompatible with 2.1.x
    • I had been working on adding filters when I decided to release version 1.0.6, which gave the option to hide spam users. I plan on adding filters to the list but it will likely be around December when this occurs
  • Updated option to hide spam users to include users banned for the following phrases
    • spam_cleaner_ban_reason (Spam. Please contact the administrator if this was done in error.)
    • spam
    • This is needed for situations where the xf_spam_cleaner_log is truncated or spam is listed as the reason
  • Added option in admin panel to hide users banned by spam cleaner
  • Removed H3 for username so username will not match the font size of other text on the row
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Reactions: Mian Shahid
  • Added permission that restricts which user groups can view the "Banned by" column
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