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  • I must confess, I was somewhat sceptical about this software at first glance, but as I've been navigating around and using it, it's very nice indeed.
    I'm one of the many disgruntled VB vets, so I might switch my forum to this one, once it comes out. :)
    Congrats for the new forum and good luck! Just found this a few minutes ago and it seems very very promissing. Going to read thread about performance on big forums :D
    How do you feel about all these people dissing vBulletin? You were a major part in it, after-all.
    It makes me sad that people have cause to complain about vBulletin - it was a huge part of my life for nearly ten years after all. Still, times change.
    Zachariah Boren
    Zachariah Boren
    IMO, most of the dissatisfaction is where the software product went, not the concept of the product. If it were a problem with the concept there would be less activity here
    Hello Kier,

    any plans to have XenForo in other languages, like german ?
    I am willing to help with translation.

    Please let me know.

    Many thanks !
    Good to see your still about Kier, XF is looking good! Let's hope this is released soon and hopefully this will be a competitve rival of vB (which has gone downhill imo) ;)
    Cool - This place seems to hang together in a coherent way. That's unusual for the web these days. Well done. Will keep an eye on this software.
    I'm proud that a fellow UK-er could make something as awesome as this! Keep going and good luck Kier. :D
    Are you going to read all the PMs you get when everything gets calmer or what would be the best way to get in touch with you? :)
    I have to say, I am VERY impressed with XenForo. Really outstanding work. All the nuances, all the little things are just so RIGHT! That's what I've always loved about vBulletin in the past and I'm very, very excited to see the things you have done here.
    Glad to see you are still developing forum software Kier. I think you have a new customer right here. (Once XF is released of course. :P)
    It's 5am, goto bed already! lack of sleep won't help concentration.
    Nearly 6am now...
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