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  • Oh DP you changed your pic! We can see more of your nice face on this one - but the other one was soooo cute.
    As a connoisseur of beautiful men I am torn between the two. Definitely torn.
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    Reactions: digitalpoint
    Actually, I was just messing with the Gravatar thing and noticed I had a Gravatar image, so I just toggled my avatar to Gravatar. :P
    Any chance of working together in any way to profit from add-ons? Just a random question.
    Yeah just wondering... every known and again I think of how nice it would be to work with someone I could bounce code design etc off and ask people to see if they are interested in these types of things. I want to create a paid portal as there isn't a good system yet but don't have time to do it all by myself at the moment.
    There's also the issue of me having a "to-do" list of things I need to do for my OWN site that is about 4-5 years (assuming noting else gets added to it) worth of full-time work.

    Oh yeah, plus I'm spending about 60 hours/week rewriting more than 1,000,000 lines of existing code from my current site for XenForo (in addition to the "normal" work I still have to do).

    *You* don't have the time? ;)
    Yeah knew you had a lot to do, didn't think it was that much though. I am always available to help either paid or getting rights to things etc. When you convert to XenForo I'll be using your site a lot, would now but just don't like using vb at all. Will be talking to you later about making nice integration between my ad manager and your ad service as well. I'm happy to promote anyone who uses XenForo
    Today I spent all day building an OAuth2 class for Google APIs. 15 minutes after I finish it, Google announces an official one. #wastedDay
    Doh :-(
    Digital dear my heart is with you.
    Yesterday I spent FOUR HOURS trying to make one small item SIT
    I SERIOUSLYy came close to giving up Bye bye XF.
    Fuhrmann rescued me today.
    Can't comfort you about being gipped by google. Just sharing fellow feeling on the horrors of WASTED (coding) TIME.
    I guess if anyone still needed confirmation that vB's gone down the toilet, you being here is it... but are you actually comfortable with switching given that you'll probably need to add another XF's worth of code or more just to get most of the core vB functionality? That's the only thing that's still keeping me from switching to XF from vB3...
    While there is a little I've done (and still need to do) to XF's core functionality, 98% of what I need to do is replicating all the custom stuff we've built over the years.
    Oh, I'm sure you've got even more custom stuff to rebuild. I haven't looked at XF in depth in some time but its permissions system and dozens of common features were still missing the last time I checked. Has that changed?
    Just depends on what your definition of "common features" is I suppose... :)
    Started working on my 15th XenForo add-on. I need to go to bed.
    I have very little interest in making a Sphinx search engine for XenForo (nor did I want to for vBulletin). The vBulletin one was simply out of necessity. Hopefully that will not be a necessity for XenForo.
    el canadiano
    el canadiano
    Alright, that seems reasonable. Are you by chance gonna be releasing the pre-parse or some of the other performance-related add-ons for some of the larger forums here?
    Probably some of the stuff at some point... right now just focusing on getting everything *I* need done though. :)
    Edit: Jesus, why did I get dragged into this? bye. lol dam man that made me laugh :D
    Hello Shawn, nice to see you here! Mmm... do you have any plans to move DP forums from vB4 to XenForo in the near future? :D
    He would have to rewrite alot of things. :)
    would be good idea.....
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