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Add-on Limited Guest Viewing -- Motivate Guests to Register


Well-known member
As requested here:


This mod will limit guest and users waiting email account confirmation viewing of threads.

After you install the mod, you can configure it at Options in your Acp->Guests And Invalid Users Thread View Limit.

You can enable and disable the mod for each group separately, set the maximum number of views separately for guests and and users waiting email account confirmation, enter your own separate custom error message for both groups after they reach the maxmium views. By default it is set to 5. You can also exlude forums from the view limit.

The error message will also show when you mouse over the threads after the maximum number of thread views has been reached.

You can see it in action at my own forum, where after viewing the threads as guests for 5 times at the test forum you will be presented with an error.

To test it with an account that waits email confirmation log in at my forum with the username and password: test.


Compatibility: It works with both, the 1.0 and 1.1 versions.

Price: 15 dollars.

Compatibility: It works with the latest versions of xenforo.

Payment: Only through paypal and it is non refundable. After I confirm the payment I will email you the mod file.

If you are interested in purchasing this mod then please contact me in private either here or at my own forum.

Thank you for reading this thread :)


  • Admin CP - XenForo_1305749206220.webp
    Admin CP - XenForo_1305749206220.webp
    77.9 KB · Views: 321
  • Guest - Error - XenForo_1305749282052.webp
    Guest - Error - XenForo_1305749282052.webp
    15.6 KB · Views: 324
  • User - Error - XenForo_1305749361763.webp
    User - Error - XenForo_1305749361763.webp
    22.2 KB · Views: 297
I do really need this mod
but according to the screen-shot is not worth the $15
I would really buy this if you have other advance feature
  • maybe registration page appear as pop-up
  • search engine would not be affected by this mod?
Installed and working as described. :)

A suggestion id like to see in a future version is the ability for admin to set how many days before the cookie expires..
search engine would not be affected by this mod?
+1 Good Question.
A suggestion id like to see in a future version is the ability for admin to set how many days before the cookie expires..

What the point for doing this?

maybe registration page appear as pop-up

Agree. If user can directly register from the same "error page" i think the registration rate increase drammatically (a feature like this should be great... i intend a quick registration). For doing this i think is sufficient a template modification, right?
What the point for doing this?
So if i want to set the cookie to expire after 24 hours or one week. It would be nice if that was up the the individual administrators. When i used the vB version of this i could set how long before the pages where again visible to my guests.. It came in quite handy when trolls wondered over from competing boards. It was easy to change so depending on how or why i was receiving extra traffic i could adjust it accordingly.
I do really need this mod
but according to the screen-shot is not worth the $15
I would really buy this if you have other advance feature
  • maybe registration page appear as pop-up
  • search engine would not be affected by this mod?

Thank you for your interest in my mod and your sugegstions :)

If the search engines would be treated differently from guests would be against their terms of agreements. About a pop up it can be added easily.

Installed and working as described. :)

A suggestion id like to see in a future version is the ability for admin to set how many days before the cookie expires..

+1 Good Question.

In my opinion it is easier to have it like it is now with cookie expire. Because adding a time limit will not make any difference since they can get around it by deleting the cookies.

And thank you for your feedback :)

Agree. If user can directly register from the same "error page" i think the registration rate increase drammatically (a feature like this should be great... i intend a quick registration). For doing this i think is sufficient a template modification, right?

That is very easy to do. It will include a small edit to adjust that. If you would like to do it let me know and I will send you what code to change in private as since this is a paid mod I can not post the code in the open.

And thank you for this. You gave me an idea for another mod :)
That is very easy to do. It will include a small edit to adjust that. If you would like to do it let me know and I will send you what code to change in private as since this is a paid mod I can not post the code in the open.

Ok, thank you. ;-)
Borbole please insert this addition to the core code of the mod :p ;)

Atm I wll leave the mod as it is as personally I like the error message better. But if you want to use that redirection as well, then let me know so I can pm you the code changes. That goes also for everyone else that would like to use the redirection method instead of the register/log in message. It is only a very small change.
Atm I wll leave the mod as it is as personally I like the error message better. But if you want to use that redirection as well, then let me know so I can pm you the code changes. That goes also for everyone else that would like to use the redirection method instead of the register/log in message. It is only a very small change.

Yes please... After the "solution" ;)
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