Comments in Posts

Do you want Comments in Posts ?

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So, in a nutshell, threaded forum layout.
threaded forum layout, ON DEMAND.
(I guess the actual description is the awkward threaded threads, as the forum isn't threaded, the threads are).

Always threaded threads = awkward.
Never threaded threads = information disaster.
Threaded threads on demand = sweet spot.
Reddit's proper Threaded discussion is very much like Comments in Posts.

Proper THREADED DISCUSSION (vB 2?) is an expanded version of Comments in Posts.

Too bad Reddit makes so many mistakes. They should come here an read this thread.
reddit clone

The threading works great on Reddit.

subThreads are displayed or not depending how many upvotes they get. It is very helpful for seeing the better posts. I makes super long threads actually readable in a reasonable period of time.
And you can always "load more comments" if needed.
or you can close branches that don't interest you.

One argument against Reddit type threading is that most forums will never see massive volume of upvoters so the better posts will not rise to the top.
The threading works great on Reddit.

subThreads are displayed or not depending how many upvotes they get. It is very helpful for seeing the better posts. I makes super long threads actually readable in a reasonable period of time.
And you can always "load more comments" if needed.
or you can close branches that don't interest you.

One argument against Reddit type threading is that most forums will never see massive volume of upvoters so the better posts will not rise to the top.

However what makes Reddit works well is because of those upvotes. Those items are floated to the top whereas other items that are egregious are downvoted and bumped lower.
It is not to be prevented, in the future this will definitely be integrated into the system so why not now?
The pictures upload to the wall messages (profile messages) are still missing and will surely come only when?!
i would love this on my forum, some add-on developers are not good

the xenforo developers hate the idea so they dont want to add it

for example chris hates the idea, hes trying to tell me how i should run my forum and what features my forum should have,

who does he think he is trying to tell me how to run my forum

they need to worry more about developing and less about how people want to run their forums

I hate the idea.

some add-on developers here also think this way, they try telling us forum administrators what features our forums should have or why a certain feature is not good for "our forum"

in the end the xenforo company and it's employees are losing money to add-on developers because they don't know how to maximize their profits from their customers

if i ran my own forum software company i could easily beat them

luckily for me this forum stuff is just a hobby and i dont need money or have a mortgage to pay from forums or developing

i might start a new hobby and throw money at something else instead

maybe dating website , they are more popular

forums are dying but only because many developers out there are not innovating,

catch phrase is "developers out there are not innovating"

the thing is... it's the forum administrators who are the ones who are able to innovate because they are the ones who have ideas and their ideas are the idfeas that make forums popular

so the developers are not ones who are supposed to be innovating

they are simply the workers, making money to feed their families and pay their mortgages

we are the innovaters with the ideas, we have the money and power, we are the customers

i should be the business guy for xenforo, i could make multi millions from customers, i could turn it into a billion dollar company

unfortunately im busy with more important things that make more money, like the marijuana business which was just legalized in canada, i will open my shop soon and make lots of money now that i received a working visa this month, im going to make millions! hip hip hooray!

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the xenforo developers hate the idea so they dont want to add it
Please don't twist my words. I said I hate the idea. I am commenting my own personal opinion, I am not commenting on behalf of the company. I wasn't even working for the company when that was written. It was over 6 years ago!!

for example chris hates the idea, hes trying to tell me how i should run my forum and what features my forum should have,

who does he think he is trying to tell me how to run my forum

they need to worry more about developing and less about how people want to run their forums
What on earth are you talking about? I haven't once told you or anyone else how to run their forum.

I'm actually not going to bother replying to the rest of your post. It's ridiculous.
ok sir you are right, it was made 6 years ago, but your opinion has not changed, because look here

i talk about to truonglv about his post comment add-on, i ask him to allow comment first post, but he not want do that

and then someone (Kintaro) ask why he not want to allow my suggestion,

and then you reply:

And, honestly, it kind of makes more sense to me that way.

you see... here you tell me, you dont think my suggestion makes sense, so its stupid
you disrespect me in my hobby

ok i understand your opinion and respect your opinion, you dont think allowing comment in first post makes sense,
yes, good for you

but truth is, i dont plan to join your forum,

but i really don't care about your opinion, because i dont ask for your opinion about my forum
its my forum , i can do whatever i want , i can have many features, i can even have many features you don't like
no one is forcing u to join my forum

its not important if you think my forum makes no sense because it allows comments first post, because you are not a potential user on my forum

you are simply a worker for xenforo company who make our suggestions come true and in exchange we give your company money

ok no problem you dont need reply, this is free world, u can do whatever you want

i was just stating that u hurt my feelings when u call my suggestions "make no sense"
it make me want leave xenforo and take my hobby & money another company

ok sir you are right, it was made 6 years ago, but your opinion has not changed, because look here
And that is still my personal opinion. You have no right to twist it in such a way that I am talking on behalf of the company. The key difference there is the usage of the word I.

i talk about to truonglv about his post comment add-on, i ask him to allow comment first post, but he not want do that

and then someone (Kintaro) ask why he not want to allow my suggestion,

and then you reply:
In my opinion it makes more sense that way. You are entitled to your own opinion and I wouldn't ever criticise that.

you see... here you tell me, you dont think my suggestion makes sense, so its stupid
you disrespect me in my hobby
That is not what I said and I haven't disrespected anything.

ok i understand your opinion and respect your opinion, you dont think allowing comment in first post makes sense,
yes, good for you
Case closed then.

but i really don't care about your opinion, because i dont ask for your opinion about my forum
its my forum , i can do whatever i want , i can have many features, i can even have many features you don't like
no one is forcing u to join my forum
You may feel free to do whatever you want on your forum. I haven't said otherwise.

i was just stating that u hurt my feelings when u call my suggestions "make no sense"
Hurt feelings? Are you serious? If that hurt your feelings then I'm afraid if you have aspirations to be a multi-billionaire business owner you might want to remove your feelings from relatively minor differences in opinion. No offence meant by that either, I hasten to add.

But nonetheless, I am very sorry if anything I said hurt your feelings. It wasn't targeted at anything you deem to be your suggestion. I was merely commenting on what I thought made more sense (in my opinion), which just so happens to be based on the same approach used by the world's most popular discussion platform.

it make me want leave xenforo and take my hobby & money another company
I wish you the very best of luck with your current and future ventures.
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People who never used comments, usually don't like comments. But if a comments system was implemented here, they would start using it, even without realizing it. That's just how it is. Like it or not.

Here are mostly administrators who never used comments before. The question of this topic shouldn't be what do you want but rather what your forum users want.

If I were to close down the comments system on my forum now, the users would crucified me. They would rebel and start their own forum with comments. That is how much they want the comments.
People who never used comments, usually don't like comments, but if a comments system was implemented here, they would start using it, even without realizing it. That's just how it is. Like it or not.
The question is: Would I like it, when using it? Some of the problems I would probably run into are:
  1. If there is new content now, I go to the last page of a thread and watch it. If there are small discussions within post, I would have to run to individual posts instead, which would rip the whole structure of a thread. Would only make sense with a reddit like structure.
  2. A two level discussion can only lead to a three level discussion. So what if you have a discussion in the comments, about a comment someone made? Want to add comments to comments? You might end up having a two post topic, with more than a hundred comments. Much of the discussions in forums would vanish into comments, which again, would make only sense with a reddit like structure.
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