Chat 2 by Siropu

Chat 2 by Siropu [Paid] 2.4.0

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Siropu updated Chat 2 by Siropu with a new update entry:

Improvements & Bug Fixes

Added option in user list to reset chat user data. You can choose what to reset: settings, status, message count, rooms, conversations. This require a permission that has been added as a permission for admins.

Quick user tagging has now 3 options:
1. Use @ button before the username
2. Use the username as the button
3. Disabled

NOTE: If you are using the @ tagging option, you have to set it again for this new option.

Made the mobile view more compact to allow for more messages in the...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hey @Siropu - thanks for the update :)

There are still a number of display issues - here is a list of what I've noticed:


As you can see above, the desktop view shows only the icons under the timestamp. However on mobile view it shows the icons and also the text label. This is a strange choice! Surely it should only show the icons on all screen sizes.



About 50% of the time the editor bar is not loading on the chat page. I am not sure if this is just my style or also on default mode - I'm still testing with the default skin. EDIT: This also happens with the default theme.



On some mobile resolutions a line is appearing under each message. This happens on default skin also.



On some mobile resolutions the timestamp area spreads across two lines. This should remain on one line.



There is still a problem when the browser is shrunk to mobile view - the chat overlays the forum content until the screen is refreshed.



On dark themes when you select an item from the editor bar, such as smilies, the icon goes very dark and is difficult to see.



When typing messages into the reply area, when they reach the Submit button the text goes behind the button.


Finally, I have received a report that a user on an Android tablet using Chrome is unable to press the Submit button at all. If the user sets Chrome to "Use Desktop Mode" then it works OK.

I hope this helps :)
Thanks for the update. I'm really happy with this addon as well as the responsiveness from the developer.

I do have a couple of questions:

  1. Is it possible to hide the user list on the chat screen unless the visitor is logged in(or other criteria?)
  2. Can the message typing field be hidden unless the user is logged in, instead of saying, "You must be logged in to chat here".
With these two options, the default room can be used as an activity stream or billboard area.
Where (specifically) can I edit the CSS for the timestamp in chat? It's currently using very pale colors on a dark skin, and we're having trouble seeing what it says.
There is still a problem when the browser is shrunk to mobile view - the chat overlays the forum content until the screen is refreshed.
I cannot reproduce this on the latest version.

On dark themes when you select an item from the editor bar, such as smilies, the icon goes very dark and is difficult to see.
You would have to make custom changes in extra.less
#siropuChatEditor .fr-toolbar
    color: gray;

I do have a couple of questions:
It is possible with custom template conditionals:

<xf:if is="$xf.visitor.user_id == 0">
     .siropuChatUsers, #siropuChatEditor
         display: none !important;
It would be best to apply this using the Template Modification system.

Where (specifically) can I edit the CSS for the timestamp in chat?
You can do that from Chat Style properties > Message date
I'm not yet 100% sure, but I think this new version you released also indirectly fixed the issue of text being wrapped on the next line if getting edited before being submitted.

So double-thanks!
I also unfortunately confirm the time span on mobile chat is now wrapped, and like, quote, edit, delete buttons are, as well.

Not a problem for me, I know how to fix it via CSS but other people might not be able to and would want a fix for it.
A bug reported from my users:

If, there's the chat and they try to use the Search from the top-right from mobile, the keyboard disappears when trying to input a search keyword.

This seems to happen only in pages where there's the chat (and I set its position to be at the index only, at the top of the nodes list).

It has been reported by 4 members already, so hope you can take a look, thank you! I don't think it was happening before this latest update as I never got such reports and the users who reported it are quite old members.
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Strange. Can you reproduce this yourself? The Chat JS script only targets the Chat, so I don't see how that can happen.
It happens on your demo site too:
How can I reproduce it? By just resizing the window to mobile view? It doesn't happen to me on the latest version. What browser are you using? Try clearing the browser cache.
How can I reproduce it? By just resizing the window to mobile view? It doesn't happen to me on the latest version. What browser are you using? Try clearing the browser cache.

Yes, just by resizing the browser window. Cleared my cache, it happens in both Chrome and Edge too.
I have done some more testing and it seems that the issue only happens now when multi rooms are not enabled or in guest mode.
I have done some more testing and it seems that the issue only happens now when multi rooms are not enabled or in guest mode.

Ahhh - I don't use rooms at all, so that would explain why you weren't seeing it before :)
My demo site is now using 2.0.14. Please take a look and see if you still get the issue.
Also, the mobile mode has now been reverted to how it was before but I have added an option to enable compact mode which will look like how Shoutbox does.
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